[12] Transfer student

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The gentle touch of the air moved through Kuuho's lucious teal locks. The cherry tree stood tall and proud. Its branches stretched as if reaching out, decorated with baby pink petals. 

One petal parted away and landed on her hand. She held it as if she was holding the most expensive jewellery. She looked up again, taking in the scenary's resplendence splendor before continuing her way to Teikoku's gates.

Kuuho lives near the school so she always walks there herself.

She spots her teammates from a small distance. She was relieved to see them back at school again.

"Good morning, Kuuho-san." Genda came up to the girl and greeted her, lowly raising his hand. 

Sakuma also gave his own greeting, and she returned it.

"Oh, good morning." 

"Ready to surprise everyone?" She nudges Genda playfully.

It's been a while.

Sakuma and Genda have finally left the hospital and are back at school. It was time for them to reunite with the rest of the team.

"It's good to see that your arm is in a better condition." She glanced at the area where his arm plaster would be, which is now gone.

"Yeah, me too. I should wait a little more before getting back on the field again, though." 

"Oh yeah, I'm doing good over here too, Usugumo-san." 

Sakuma said in a sarcastic tone, as if to say 'Hey, I am here too.' Even if he doesn't speak, the sound of his cane as it dragged across the ground would reveal his presence.

"Sorry!" She chuckled.

All three students walked through the halls and were immersed in their conversation before Kuuho catched something in the corner of her eye that dissipated the once cheery ambience.

A familiar mohawk came into view. Their lively chatter quickly came to a close.

"What are you doing here?" 

A question that cut through the atmosphere.

"Who cares?"

He casually puts his hands behind his head and leaned back on the wall.

"Is this how you usually welcome new students?" He grinned.

His laid-back yet snarky attitude irked her even more; a matchstick furtively dropped onto the glass powder of her disdain.

"How can you act like nothing happened?" 

How dare he show his face again.

"Did you seriously transfer here?" The boy next to her asked, equally annoyed. 

"And what's the problem with that? It's not your business what school I want to go to." 

"Actually, we do have a problem." Sakuma stepped closer, the aura of his enmity growing.

"Oh, really now? If only I cared." He sneered.

The lone rebel's haughty comportment laughs in the face of their little queries.

 Kuuho was about to respond to his remark when she noticed the peering eyes of the students from behind her. As much as she would love to rip his hair out, it would cause a completely avoidable fight. So she does what she always does and tightens the chains around herself, even when she feels her chest boiling with every second. She'll bear it, for now.

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