-⭒- Game Night -⭒-

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[⭒2nd person POV⭒]

It had been a pretty quiet week so far surprisingly. It was a Friday night and the Critters were all wanting to do something, it was raining pretty hard, so you didn't really want them playing outside. They were getting antsy, and you weren't sure what to do with all eight of them. You got an idea soon after this, and stood up to grab something from the hallway closet.

"What are you getting momma?"

DogDay asked, following you to the closet.

"Just getting some games I think you'd all like."

You answered, pulling out a deck of uno cards, battleship, and a box of Monopoly. DogDay tilted his head at the games in your arms as you walked back to the living room. You saw Kickin and Hoppy staring out of the window, and pressing their faces against the glass. You chuckled to yourself, those two were the ones who wanted to play outside the most, while the others were -mostly- content with staying inside. You set the games on the coffee table and sat down on the couch, making CatNap look up at you before closing his eyes again. DogDay climbed onto the couch next to you.

"Hoppy, Kickin! I have something that might keep you two entertained for once,"

You called, making the rabbit and chicken turn to you. They looked at each other before Hoppy shrugged and they walked over to you. The others also looked up at you from their various places on floor,

"You guys can come see too."

You said, they all got up and walked over to be somewhere next to you.

"I've got a few games that I think you all might like,"

You started, taking the Monopoly box as the critters all looked at it curiously. They started asking questions left and right and you had to make sure they asked them one at a time.

After a bit of QnA you had gotten the game set up and the critters all wanted to play, well not DogDay or CatNap. CatNap was asleep on your lap and you weren't sure where DogDay had gone. You assumed he had gone off to find Dorothy or something. You just hoped he wouldn't make a mess or run off.

You watched the critters all play together, with some arguments in between as well, while you scratched CatNap's head as he sat on your lap, making contented purring sounds. The rain continued to pound on the windows when you noticed the front door was slightly ajar. You raised an eyebrow in confusion before gently taking CatNap off of your lap, much to his disliking, and walked over to the door. You opened it to see Dorothy and DogDay sitting on the front steps, watching the rain.

"There you are,"

You said, making Dorothy and DogDay turn to look at you. You walked out onto the steps.

"You two should come inside before you get sick."

You said, Dorothy turned back to look up at the gray clouds in the sky,

"Eh, we'll be fine mom, besides everyone else is inside anyways."

She said as you sighed,

"You might but you're going to make your siblings want to come outside as well."

You replied, crossing your arms.

"Why can't they come outside?"

She asked, leaning back to look up at you again,

"DogDay's out here and he's fine isn't he?"

She asked. You sighed and shook your head slightly with a small laugh.

"I kinda like the rain momma,"

You heard DogDay speak from his place on the ground. You looked at him then sighed,

"Alright fine, you two can stay out here for a bit longer, but come inside in 10 minutes."

You said, starting to walk back into the house, Dorothy gave you a thumbs up before looking back up at the sky with the rain still pouring down. The roof slightly protected her but she was still getting hit by the raindrops. You walked back to the living room to see the critters still playing Monopoly -it seemed like Bubba was winning-, and they had seemed to get the rules pretty quickly.

You sighed and sat back down on the couch, watching the critters -including CatNap, but he was just on the side- play together was nice. Especially with the promise of the chaos of your shift tomorrow. But that could be a tomorrow problem. For now you were happy with watching your kids play this game together.

— — —

A/N: Sorry it's kinda short! Also- special thanks to my younger brothers for the chapter idea (and my middle brother for helping with grammar -he did that with this extra as well--)
But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are.

An odd little family (smiling critters x mother figure reader + sister figure ocWhere stories live. Discover now