-⭒- Sick Day -⭒-

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Requested by: @kingtrollexfangirl19 and @Small_Dora_Grape

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[⭒2nd person POV⭒]

You weren't feeling the greatest that morning. You felt warm but cold at the same time and your throat and body were killing you.

You didn't want to get out of bed but your alarm was basically screaming at you. You hit the snooze button, and lifted your head to look at it.

You yawned and sat up slowly, feeling dizzy from the movement, but you got off of your bed and walked towards the door regardless.

Walking down the stairs you could hear Dorothy talking to the critters. As you walked into the kitchen you could see that some of the critters were standing either next to her while the others were sitting at the table.

"Oh, morning Mom,"

Dorothy said, looking behind her to see you. You waved at her with a muttered, "good morning" and sat down at the table. Picky, who was in the seat next to you, looked up at you before she asked,

"Are you feeling ok Momma?"

She tilted her head at you while you nodded,

"I'm fine hun, just tired."

You answered, rubbing your face. Picky looked at you worriedly while Dorothy turned around to look at you.

"You look sick mom."

She said blatantly, with a hand on her hip. You waved your hand dismissively,

"Oh, no I'm alright."

She raised an eyebrow at you, turning to lean against the counter and crossing her arms.

"Are you sure?"

She asked, you nodded before you coughed into your sleeve and Dorothy tilted her head at you,

"Ok, so I may not be feeling the greatest right now but I'm fine. No need to worry."

She sighed as DogDay jumped up onto her shoulder from the counter top. She was thrown off balance for a moment but she saw it was DogDay and patted his head before turning to you again,

"You look sick, and probably are"

She started, crossing her arms -again-,

"So you should go back to bed and probably not go to work today."

She finished, as you looked at her. You thought about it for a bit before you finally sighed.

"Alright, fine. But what about-"

"The critters will be fine with me. They have before and always will."

She said, giving you a small grin.

"Now go sleep,"

She took DogDay off of her shoulder and placed him on the table. You gave the fluff on his head a quick ruffle before standing up and heading back up the stairs to your room.

"You were kinda acting like momma there Dottie."

DogDay said after you had left, looking up at Dorothy. She nodded,

"Sometimes you have to be like that with Mom."

She shrugged and DogDay looked confused,

"But she's the momma?"

He said with a confused tone, tilting his head at her. She shrugged again,

"Sometimes Mom won't rest when she needs to so I gotta tell her to."

An odd little family (smiling critters x mother figure reader + sister figure ocWhere stories live. Discover now