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I was talking with Harry about his marriage and all but he said something about my princess so I got furious and stood up; held him by his collar and said "she's mine don't you dare to look at her or I will take your eyes out."

He looked surprised but then smirked and I realised what I just said, but I didn't care and just looked at him with an emotionless face as I got an idea that it was his plan to know my thoughts about my princess.

"Ohh love is in the air hmm." Harry stated while I grinned and said "so it was all your plans huh." I said and Harry responded "of course it was and I even started to imagine your life if you marry her what was her name again-"

"Hezel" I spilled her name without even realising, I said it too fastly he looked at me amazed while I was feeling a little ummm shy. "Oh Romeo what has gotten into you huh you are looking like a total lover." Harry said.

"Oh god now stop it Harry it's not what you-" he cut me in the middle sentence and said "I am wondering how your life would be if you marry her one day you know what will happen?" He asked and I said curiously "what??"

He smirked and said "one fine day the dangerous Mafia King Jeon Jungkook will be on an important mission and about to solve the mystery but then his phone rang he picked it up being scared and then 'Ms Hezel' said bring me ice cream or your baby will kill me with it's kicks. Hurry up I want it fast. Then cut the call on his face he gulped and went because of the scary voice that was coming from the phone." He said while being dramatic and with a funny expression.

I started to feel my heart rate fast as he talked about my unborn child which I was not expecting him to say and I could feel my ears are burning because of the thoughts.

"Harry shut up!!" I said when he noticed something and his eyes widened; he said "oh my god what am I seeing the Mafia King is shy" he said and went to the door fastly as he knew I would have killed him. "I am going bye" he said and went out while I got my phone and other things and also went out to go home.


After giving them coffee I came out and took my things as my shift was over. I took the cab and went home it was about 5:00 and I was so tired today as it was my first day "uff it was exhausting." I said I got off and paid the driver while saying thank you and went towards the gate of my house.

I rang the bell and Appa opened the door and said "Assalam u alikum my child" and I replied with "Walikum Assalam" and came in but I didn't see Eomma so I said "Appa where is Eomma?"

"Oh your Eomma went to her friend's house as she was not feeling well." "Oh ok may Allah grant her good health." I said "Ameen and don't you think you're late today or this was the actual time." Appa asked.

"Actually the CEO's son joined today and he had a meeting with his new partners and I can't miss that as I am the secretary." I replied

"Oh okay but you must be feeling tired go have some rest are you hungry?" He asked and I answered "no Appa actually I ate with my friend a little late so I am not." "Well then go and enjoy your rest." Appa said and I laughed while going to my room.

I came into my room and firstly laid on my bed "uff I am tired ah." After sometime I stood up to get freshened up I came out and waited for Azaan as I already performed ablution.

"Masha Allah what a beautiful voice" I said listening to the peaceful Azaan. "Hmm now I should pray." I went inside as I was standing in the balcony of my room. I started praying after saying "Allah Hu Akbar" while lifting my hands till my shoulder.

I was done praying the Maghrib Namaz and I still had much time so I started to pray Awabeen prayer.

I lifted my hands after completing my prayer and zikr and prayed "Ya Allah my beloved Allah I am very thankful for everything you gave me I just want sabr and shukar in every matter of my life and every difficulty. Ya Rab please make me one of your beloved servants I can only try to be perfect as I am a human and human makes mistakes so if I make a mistake please forgive me Ya Allah help me pass every test with sabr. Ameen Ya Rabbi."

I caressed my hands on my face and stood up I think Eomma is here I went out and I was right she saw me and said "Hezel baby you're home why were you so late I was waiting for you before going out as I thought to eat lunch with you." "Oh my beautiful Eomma was waiting for me I am sorry I had a lot of work today next I will inform before coming home or if I get late now happy."

"Hmm okay did you eat something let me bring food for you" Eomma said. "Ah no no I will bring you sit down and I didn't eat as I was not hungry earlier but now I am." I said and went to the kitchen.

"Oh dear you must be tired" Eomma stated." "No I am not you just came and I have rested much so no worries ok." I replied with an angry pout while they both laughed and finally Appa said "oh my lovely daughter you both are the peace of our hearts."


After eating Hezel went to pray Isha after chatting for a while and recited the Holy Quran. As it was her routine.

Meanwhile on the other hand Jungkook also came home a little late but still early for him as he went somewhere with his friends.

"Oh Kookie you are home aren't you late." Mrs Jeon said "yes mother I am late and I am very shameful for this act; your honor" Jungkook said making his mother laugh out loud and she said "what has happened to you. You seem to be in a good mood today how was your first day 'your honor' huh." She said still smiling wide.

"It was nice but someone was troubled and troubling me also." Jungkook stated the last few words in a low voice. Mrs Jeon said "but what??" He looked up and said "oh nothing I was saying it was great, I had a meeting with Harry and it went great."

"Hmm ok have you eaten or you are hungry." Mrs Jeon said "no no I have already eaten outside so I am going in my room as now I can't even stand." Jungkook said and went upstairs.

"Ok good night." Mrs Jeon shouted "you too" he said in response.

This is how their routine is a little talk not like Hezel who spends most of her time with her family.

Jungkook came into the room after taking a shower to relax his muscles and lay on the bed after wearing his trousers as he has a habit of sleeping shirtless. He dried his hair and laid on the bed.

"I wonder what you are doing right now but it's quite late and I think my princess must be sleeping as she was really tired I can see that from her eyes." Jungkook whispered to himself.

"People like blue, hazel green or brown eyes but I fell in love with your black ones."

"Oh how great would be the day you will become mine.

I will make you laugh and look in your eyes, while you; in mine."

He smiled and closed his eyes and slept while thinking of his princess.



Whoever stands up for the Laylat ul Qadr with firmness of belief and stock taking of his deeds, then all his past sins are forgiven. -(Bukhari)

Dear readers Assalam u alikum I hope you all are fine I am extremely sorry for late update as I said before and saying again so if some people don't know I just want to say my exam are in these days so I couldn't write and this chapter is a total disaster but I am just writing my thoughts about what will happen in the story next.

I also wanted to say that please remember me in your du'as as I believe that du'as are the most powerful and in the month of Ramadan and if they are asked from hearts and with tears in the eyes it will surely be granted but if they are of course righteous in everyone's matter.

Ask Allah like a child is begging for candy but also remember that candy cannot have poison in it.

Again sorry for the late update I feel extremely bad for this.

Remember me and my family in the prayers of Laylat ul Qadr

By the way what do you think about the line you two are the peace of our hearts. What do you think tell me in the comments and also you guys can tell my mistakes or suggest some ideas as I am writing a story for the first time so I have no idea how it will be.

Jazakallah u Khair ❤️

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