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A few days passed and unfortunately I was back in school. The whole time I was in O.S.S I just hung out with Vance during the day and cared for Amy in the evening. Though, today my parents were back at home, so I had to bike to school—even though Vance offered to take me.

While I was sitting in my last period I wasn't paying attention. It was odd. Usually I was paying attention and taking my notes, but today I was zoned out and just sort of stuck in my mind. All I could think of was going to hang out with Vance again. Actually, the entire day my mind was on Vance. When my friends or teachers asked if I was okay I'd just reply with a lame excuse that I was just tired.

And I was tired though...so as I felt my eyelids get heavy I laid my head down and quickly fell asleep. I was only awoken by the teacher tapping on my desk hours later. When I looked out the windows the sun was setting. "I'm heading home kid," Mr.Johnson told me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I yawned, nodding my head. I grabbed my stuff from the side of my desk and followed the man out. Of course everyone's already gone from campus—except for the sports kids who recently got let out of practice. I sighed to myself, knowing my parents were going to be pissed with me being late.

As I was beginning to walk the other way from Mr.Johnson, he stopped me. "Bruce, are you okay?" He asked me.

Weirded out, I reluctantly nodded my head and hummed a quiet, "yeah...why?"

Mr.Johnson glanced around worriedly, as if he was looking out for someone. "When you were in O.S.S I saw you out with that boy," he told me. I played dumb, though I knew he was referencing Vance. When had he seen us? I tried my best to make sure we wasn't caught by anyone. "Vance Hopper."

"Oh," I nodded my head, now me myself looking around. "Yeah I was being a good guy and offerin' to get him somethin'," I lied to him, avoiding eye contact.

Mr.Johnson sighed, definitely not believing me but definitely not wanting to poke anymore.

Suddenly I felt my phone buzz. I took it out of my pocket and sure enough I had a text from Vance. By now I had actually gotten his number and so now we were texting a lot. I didn't have his name saved for his contact since my parents checked my phone. I just him as number 15, acting like he was the player on another baseball team I had met.

Yooo..u doing anything tmr night?

No, I replied back to him,then asking him why.

There's a party at this dude's party a few doors down..was wonderin' if u wanted to go

Maybe, I texted back with a grin. I did need to ask my parents, though I figured their answer. They didn't really like me going out, let alone at night. And I couldn't tell them I was going with Vance. They'd freak out. I'd probably get a lecture on how I need to get better friends. They already didn't really like Finney for being gay and Robin for being a huge fighter.

Alr jus tell me when you know

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