chapter 2

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Good Moring liyah mom says as she sees me walking down the stair to the kitchen. Good morning ma is said before going into the fridge and grabbing a juice.

Hey sis you ready JD says motioning her to the door. As the two siblings walk the door their dad Jordan senior is walking up the walkway heading inside. Have a good day he said and they nodded and walked to nini house.

~ ft bestie bae


~girl we outside come on

~ok coming nini said before hanging up.

Liyah watches as nini comes out the house making sure to lock the door behind her. Heyyy bestieee nini says walking up on them. Nini hugs liyah before turning her attention to JD who just happens to be her boyfriend.

Crazy how he gon date my bestfriend, I said to myself. We were now walking to school. Its sooo early I cant wait to graduate man.

Man fuck yall I still got a year JD says since he was still a junior.

While on the way to school I get an incoming call. As I check to see who it is its ky.


~wsp ma you need a ride to school or you straight

~nah im straight we almost there are you going to meet us in the café?

~yea im already here im smoking with jt and sin, he said.

~ok well we almost there ill see you when I get there bye, I hung up

Can yall stop with all this lovey dovey shit making me sick I said watching my brother and best friend kiss.

You just mad cuz ky aint here to do it to JD said pushing me. Boy im not mad, I said pushing him back and running. JD caught up to me and pull my hair forcing me to the ground. After getting up I wiped myself down and kept walking.

By the time we got to school the doors had just opened, I was looking in the parking for ky when I spotted mani. MANIIII I yelled forcing her to look up and see who it was. Mani saw who called her and walked over to us.

Hey boo how you doing, you weren't here yesterday why. Girl I just got back in town mani said before hugging everyone.

While walking up the stairs to enter the school I felt someone come behind me and smack my ass. OUCH KY why would you that I said turning around to face him. He smiled and looked down at saying my bad ma then kissed my forehead.

we all walked into the café to chill before homeroom start. I was catching up with mani on how her summer went when I noticed jeremiah staring at mani. I didn't say anything because it wasn't my place so I kept quiet. Once the bell rang we all went our separate ways to class. Getting into homeroom Mrs Caldwell was talking to a student.

Good morning class, today we have a work sheet I want you to fill out, its going to help me get to know you better, ok class you have to whole period to finish she said before handing the papers out.

I start to fill my paper out when I felt a kick on my back, I turned around and ky was sitting there laughing like it was funny or sum.

You coming over tonight? He asked

If you miss me just say that I said cheesing.

You know I miss you gi-liyah turn around and finish your work mrs Caldwell said.

Once the bell rang everyone got up and handed their papers in and walked out of class to their next one. Once in the hallway ky come up to me.

So are you coming or nah lil girl he said while he smirked

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