chapter 8

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A week later


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Walking into this appointment I was so nervous, after checking in I sat down and waited for my name to be called. About 10 min later I heard "Aaliyah smith"
I grabbed my things and walked over to where the doctors was standing. Good morning MS smith my name is Ann and I am one of the nurses who will be handling your ultrasound today, nodding I followed her to the room as we got closer my heart started beating so fast. I cant believe im having a ultrasound.

Getting into the room I sat of bed while the nurse started to set up everything. Ok I'm going to take your blood pressure can you roll your shirt up for me please, doing as I was told she took my blood pressure and monitored my oxygen. So, your blood pressure is very high ms smith and that is not good for the baby or yourself, your going to have to try to stay out of stressful things if you want this pregnancy to go full term. Wait here and the doctor will be in to start your ultrasound soon.

5 min past and I heard slight knocks at the door "come in", and the doctor walks in. hello I'm doctor Webber and I will be doing your ultrasound today. can you lay back for me please, doing as I was told I laid back pulled my shirt up exposing my stomach. This is going to be cold ok, I nodding and he poured the jelly on my stomach.

I felt a slight pressure from him pushing down, alright it looks like you are seven to eight weeks. He then points to this shadow like image, this is the baby and from what I can tell baby is doing fine, would you like to hear the heartbeat, y-e-s I said hesitantly, the moment I heard my baby's heartbeat I fell completely in love, I knew I was pregnant but this is a different feeling hearing you baby's heartbeat.

Im going to print some picture for you to take home, you can clean yourself up and ill be back in a second. Getting up I took the paper towel and cleaned my self up fixing my clothes and sitting back down waiting for the doctor to come back.

Ok Ms. smith here you are, handing me the ultrasound pictures and some papers to read about being a new mom. I want to you back in about ten weeks to see the progression and to find out the gender ok.

Nodding I got up and shook his hand. Walking to the front I scheduled my next appointment with the lady at the front desk.



Accept or decline

*hey bestieee wyd

*hey girl im just now leaving my doctor appointment

*ooohh ok you can tell me over lunch the guys wanna go out to eat you down?

*I don't know I haven't seen any of the guys in a while

*girl it will be ok I promise, can you meet us at chilis

*ok im on my way


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