chapter 7

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The next morning

Liyah pov

I woke up around 6am so I can get ready for school. Doing my personal hygiene ,I hopped out the shower and started my skin care. After finishing everything I got dressed and order my uber. About 5 min past and the uber was outside, walking out the hotel I got in the car and was on my way to school. 20 min past and I finally arrived at school, getting out the car I walk in the building heading towards my homeroom since I didn't want to talk to anyone in our group.

Getting to class I saw that Mrs Caldwell was at her desk working on today paperwork. Hey mrs Caldwell, can we speak before class "sure sweetie" she says motioning me to pull a chair up. After sitting in the chair i looked down at my feet trying to find the words to say. I have to quit the cheer team I said bluntly and she looked at me with concern on her face.

Why Aaliyah? Im homeless at the moment and her whole demeanor changed, "why what happened" im pregnant I said putting my head into my lap. Oh lord Aaliyah are serious, are you staying on the streets? No I booked a hotel room and im looking for an apartment. Ok sweetie im going to help you out with your house hunting and you can still come to practice, you can be the team manager if you would like. Yes that's perfect thank you so much mrs Caldwell.

The bell rang and everyone started walking into class. Watching everyone who came in the classroom making sure to avoid kyzeir. My heart instantly dropped seeing ky walk in class, we locked eyes and he walked over to me "can we talk" no I don't wanna talk to you can you sit down its time for class.

30min past and class was over I gather all my things and headed to the door, walking out the class ky grabbed my arm and I jumped. "damn my bad ma" I walked off scared he was going to do anything else to me.

The rest of the day went by so fast I didn't go to lunch because I didn't want to be around anyone. Ordering my uber I saw kyzeir walking up to me with a face ive never seen before.

"can we talk please", I cant talk right now im waiting for my uber. Let me take you home then ill give you the money just talk to me please. I nodded and canceled my uber, walking to his car we got in and he started the car. Can you drop me off at the embassy suites, why you need to be dropped off there, Ill tell you when we are there. Pulling off it took about 20 min to get to the hotel, finding a park we got and headed to the elevators.

Going to the floor my room was on I unlocked my door and walked in. putting my bag down I walked over to the mini fridge and grabbing a drink. Sitting down on the bed I opened my drink taking a sip. So what is it that you wanted to talk about kyzeir. I just wanna say im sorry for putting my hands on you I never wanted to hurt you, I blacked out when you said you was killing my baby.

So me telling you that I didn't wanna have a baby with you made you put your hands on me to the point I blacked out and had to be rushed to the hospital. On top of having a female answer your phone, like who tf does some shit like that. We have been together for six FUCKING YEARS ,SIX YEARS you cant be that naïve that you would jeopardize our relationship for a random bitch.

Look l know I fucked up, I know I cheated and I don't have a reason for it either I was just being a dumbass nigga. I never thought that my action would cause this much pain and im so sorry, but I want you to keep the baby and I want us to be a family I love you so much Aaliyah like deadass.

If you loved me you would have never cheated, if you loved me you would have never put your hands on point blank period and you sitting in my face saying you didn't have a reason for cheating on me are fucking crazy. 

And on top of that you think we are going to be a family after everything you fucking did to me hell tf no, and as of right now I don't know if ima keep it, im going through so much right now, im literally 17 pregnant and homeless.

Your homeless? What are you talking ?

I got kicked out because you couldn't pull out, and now im living out of a hotel room. With that being said I think its time for you to leave im done talking.

Kyzeir nods and gets up, looking at me one more time before heading to the door and leaving. After he left I couldn't hold my emotion in any longer and start crying my eyes out. I cried myself to sleep trying to forget whats happening.

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