chapter 5

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Two weeks later



Answer or decline


Hey girl wyd I haven't seen you in a while

Hey girl yeah ive been sick asf lately and I don't know why

Eww bitch you got covid or sum

Girl nah

Oooh shit girl ok well im coming to take you to the doctor

Okk let me know when you're here


30 minutes later

"knock , knock , knock"

*come in, liyah says laying down under the cover. "hey girl" she says walking in taking her shoes off and hopping in the bed. Hey girl, feeling better?

Hell nah but im ready whenever you are. Putting their shoes back on the girls walked downstairs to wait for their uber. "the uber here lets go" nini said walking toward the front door along side liyah. Getting in the uber it was going to be about a 30 min drive to the hospital.


After being dropped off the girls walked in the front doors and checked in. soo what do you think it could be nini said looking at her friend who looked totally out of it. Girl I don't know I've never been this sick before so we'll just have to wait and see.

Aaliyah smith, the doctor called out prompting us to get up and walk over to her. Hello ladies im doctor tanner ill be your assisting you today, after doing the normal checkups she asked me to pee in a cup, so I went into the bathroom and did what was asked and handed it back to her. Ok girls im going to run some test to see whats going on. After about 15min we heard slight knocks on the door. "come in", and in comes doctor tanner. So I have the result back ms smith and it appears that your six weeks pregnant. My whole heart just dropped at those words, you saiddd im what?? Liyah said trying to see if she was hearing things.

Yes ma'am it looks like six weeks pregnant. I cant be fucking pregnant thinking to myself, "how could I let this happen". After scheduling my next appointment we left and went home. The whole ride back to my house we didn't say a word. I was in shock.


Walking in the house we went straight to my room, I didn't wanna see my mom or dad. After getting to my room nini broke the silence, "bitchhhhh im finna be a teteeeee",. Girl calm down please, I said crying into my pillow. Don't cry we gon figure this out sis. I cant be pregnant bro Im only 17, my grades are perfect and im the captain of the cheer squad, what am I going to do. With saying that I needed to call ky to tell him, but how was I going to find the words. Hey siri ft friends to lovers, "ok facetiming".


Hello who is this a female said on the other side of the phone

Bitch why is you picking my man phone up who you tf

"your man" she said laughing nah bookie this our man

Bitches must wanna get they ass beat where tf is kyzeir

Girl why you on my pho-



Bitch this nigga got me fucked up lets go, ordering our uber we walked downstairs to wait, the uber pulled up 2 min later and we hopped in. I was trying to comprehend what just happen. Spacing out I felt nini tap my arm indicating that we were at our destination. Getting out I ran to the door and found the spare key that was on top of the window. Unlocking the door I ran straight to his bedroom to find them caked up cuddling, instantly jumping on top of the bitch I sarted sending blow after blow to her head, I didn't even realize she was bleeding so much but I kept going. After being pulled off of her she tried to run out the house but nini stuck her foot out tripping the girl, making us bust out laughing.

Still in a blackout mood I started punching ky in his chest, "ouch" he said in pain trying to stop me, after about five more punches I was to tired to even think about hitting him again. SO YOU FUCKING CHEATING ON ME KYZEIR AFTER SIX FUCKING YEARS YOU CHEAT ON ME AGAIN, I cant believe you would do this once again to me bro. I forgave you the first time and told me you would never do it again but look where we are now. "babe I didn- im pregnant I said cutting him off and turning my back to him walking out his room, he tried to stop me but nini pushed him away. 

oppp trouble in paradise i see

my girl is pregnant who wouldve thought

all comment are welcome

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