chapter 6

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Kyzeir pov.

Fuck mann wtf did I just do. Pulling his phone he clicked on liyah contact texting her.


-can you text me back

-babyy im sorry I didn't mean it

-pleasee answer your phone

Facetiming my heart

Call declined

After calling four more times I decided to grab my keys and walked out the house towards my car, after making it to my car I hopped in and drove straight to liyah house, pulling up I turned the car off and hopped out walking to her front door, ringing the doorbell her mom came to the door. "hey ky how you doing baby", he ma im good is liyah here, yes she in her room you can go up. Heading up the stairs I knock on her door, "come in" I walk in and she didn't realize it was me unitl she looked up, "what do you want ky why is you here" baby can you just listen to me please. Why would I listen to you when you let a random bitch answer your phone on top of being in the bed with her. Babe can you please just hear me out, she nodded. She don't mean nothing to me babe you're the only one for me, he said walking towards her. "boy stop fucking lying if I was all you wanted you would have never cheated on me again.

Babe please so you pregnant? I said sitting next to her on the bed but she moved to the other side. "yes six weeks". So are you keeping it? I don't know yet, especially after what I just went through I don't wanna have a baby with you, I don't even want you in my life no more. Hearing her say that I got up and jumped to the side she was putting her into a choke hold. SO YOU GON KILL MY BABY " I ca-nt breathe". JD heard yelling and came in room and saw ky choking me, "GET TF OFF MY SISTER' he said pulling him off me making me fall to the ground. Get tf out my house bitch ass nigga he said dragging him to the door, my mom came running in to see what had happen and say me on the floor unconscious. CALLL 911 she yelled.


Liyah pov

Waking up I saw my mom and my best friend sitting next to my bed engaged in a conversation, uhh hi I said in a raspy voice. 'OMG she up" nini says running over to me hugging me, im going to get the doctor my mom says getting up and leaving the room. Bestie im so glad your ok, scared me half to death. Everything is a blurr I can only remember ky saying you gon kill my baby and then choking me. We heard slight knocks on the door and in come the doctor. Hello my name is doctor quin, how are you feeling ms smith, im ok my neck hurts a lot and my throat is dry.

You blacked out after the incident and have been asleep for about 6 hours, due to being strangled your vocal cords was bruised, so with saying that talking is going to very difficult until they heal. How is my baby liyah said to the doctor, the baby is fine we have been monitoring everything. Ill be back with discharge papers for you to sign. After seeing the doctor walk out the room I turned to my mom and she had a face that I couldn't read. Mom I tried to say but it hurt so bad.

Look baby im not mad at you im just very disappointed, this breaks my heart to see you going through this at a young age. I wanted a better life for you I wanted you to grow up and live your life without any huge reasonability but this have changed and you made your bed now you have to lay in it.

Staring at the ceiling the doctor finally came back in and my mom signed the papers so I can leave. After signing the paper, we grabbed our things and headed to the car. After about a 30 min ride we dropped nini off at home and drove down the street to our house. Pulling in the driveway she shuts the car off and motions me to get out and go inside. Getting out the car I walked up to the door and unlocked it going straight to my room.

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