chapter 10

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The past few weeks ky has been doing everything to get back into my good graces. I decided to let him go to this ultrasound and the mans was to happy.

I saw that ky texted me telling me he was outside, grabbing my things and turning off all the lights I walked out the house and headed towards his car.

Getting in the car I got comfortable. Hey ma how you feeling today. I'm feeling ok your fucking baby keeps kicking the fuck out me though. Girl leave my damn baby alone he aint doing nun. First off, its not a boy and second, he need to stop before he get evicted lol. Mann he is a boy, you trying to make a bet.

If it's a boy you gotta let me take you on a date and if it's a girl you can get what ever you want. Pulling up to the hospital we hurried and found a park it was so many people here today. After finding a spot we hopped out and walked to the front desk to check in.

After checking in we sat in the waiting room to be called, ky was rubbing my belly and making cute noises.

Mrs smith, the nurse said. Getting up we followed her to the room where the ultrasound will be taking place. Good morning this must be dad?, I nodded and she introduced herself.

So I heard today we are finding out the gender. Yes we are but we don't wanna know we are having a gender reveal. Ok ill make sure not to expose the gender.

After about 30 minutes we were finally done and the nurse put the gender in a envelope and gave it to us. I scheduled my next appointment and we left.

I'm hungry can we stop and get food, I said looking at ky making the puppy eyes. Ite ma what you got a taste for? Can we get some burger king I really want a whopper. Ok let's go then he said holding the door open for as we walked out the doctor's office.

Getting in the car he connected his phone to the car and clicked shuffle on his playlist. We pulled into the drive through of burger king and ordered.

Hi welcome to burger king how can we help you today? ky was not good at ordering food for me so I had to order it, I climbed over ky so the lady could hear me. Hi can I get two whoppers one with no tomatoes, with two large fries and one sprite and one root beer, will that be all the lady asked and I looked over at ky and he nodded, yes that's all, ok pulled to the next window your total is 18.56.

Before I could move back into my seat ky grabbed my ass and chuckled, I hopped back in my seat and we pulled to the window, and paid, pulling to the next window I looked up from my phone and guess who I saw, this no good ass home wrecker bitch in a burger king uniform handing us our food, I started laughing and she looked so shocked to see me and ky in the car together.

Ky grabbed our food and she tried to say sum but ky pulled off mad fast, I looked over at ky and started laughing. The fact that you cheated on me with a bitch that a work a 9-5 is wicked asf, he head must've been good cause aint no way.

The drive to my house was silent, we didn't speak not one word, we didn't even look at each other, pulling into the parking lot of my apartment building he parked next to my car and got out. Grabbing the food and my purse I headed towards the elevator. After getting of the elevator we walked to my door and I unlocked it, getting in the door I stopped and took my shoes off, ky doing the same.

I sat the food on the counter in the kitchen while I went to wash my hands. I washed my hands and grabbed my food and my drink and walked over to my living room and sat down, turning the tv on I turned on the vampire diaries, and ky came and sat down next to me.

While I was eating my food I saw that I had got a text from my nini, she said they was outside. Getting up from the couch I walked over to the door and unlocked it, I couldn't even open the door before jd ugly ass was bum rushing through the door. Damn how you gon open my door Jd I said punching him in his arm.

Girl boo bye I do what I want now move what you got to eat sis. I rolled my eyes and laughed, I let everyone else come in and to my surprise mani is here. I greeted everyone and told the boys ky was in the living room.

The boys headed to the living room while me and the girls headed to my room so we can catch up and talk. Yall guess what. Bitch what you having twins??? Nini said and I laughed, girl fuck no ill be damned if I have twins, but no we got the gender today I said pulling the envelope out my purse and handing it to nini.

Nini always said if I was ever to get pregnant she wanted to plan the gender reveal and the baby shower. Bitch don't open it in here mani said trying to take it from nini but nini smacked her hand away, girl you act like im finna show her the gender I just need to see so I can start planning. What you mean planning, so I wasn't included in the planning mani said.

I mean you haven't been around lately mani your always mia and when we need you, you never show up or don't answer your phone so what you think was going to happen. Wow so because im working and making a life for myself it's a problem now? Oh ok I see how it is, im leaving.

After mani leftwe talked for min. after talking for a few hours we decided to go sit with guys, nini went and sat on JD lap while I went and sat next to Ky. So how long yall finna be here cuz ya girl is tired. Everyone understood and said their goodbyes.

Locking my doors I walked back into the living room to see ky cleaning up their mess, I was trying to help but he told me to go take a shower and relax he got this. Nodding I headed to my room and grabbed all my things I needed for my shower. Walking into the bathroom I turned the water on and let it get hot while I connected my phone to the speaker, once the water was hot enough I got in.

I was so busy singing to the music I didn't realize ky had gotten into the shower with me, I felt his hands grip my sides as he pulled me closer to him. I turned around and looked him in his eyes, I could see that he lust in eyes and shit so did we haven't had sex since he cheated and as bad as I wanted it to stop I didn't want it to either. Ky grabbed my chin and leaned down and kissed me, kissing him back I felt him lift me off the ground, I wrapped my legs around him and he turned us around, my back was now against the wall and he started moving one of his hands up and down my legs.

I haven't felt this way inso long I forgot how it felt. He slowed put me down and by that time I was sohorny I couldn't control myself but I did. We finished showering and put on ournight clothes and hopped in the bed. He pulled me onto his chest and I got comfortableand he kissed my forehead and said goodnight.

sorry for the late chapters ive been dealing with death in my family

more chapters coming soon though


is it a girl or boy

should ky and liyah get back together

whats up mani and why she acting weird?????

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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