They made it to the cabin without any more conflict.
"Finally out of that fucking car." Sebastian all but yelled as he hopped out of the car as if it were on fire. Carter popped the trunk before getting out of the car. He went around to Natalie's side and opened her door for her. Carter walked to the trunk to pull out their bags seeing that Sebastian had already removed his duffel bag and was halfway to the cabin.
"Ya'll made it!" Sam said as he walked out of the front door.
"Yeah, barely." Carter muttered as he pulled their bags inside.
"So, there's five rooms which means two to a room." Sam said as he was showing everyone around after they all showed up. The cabin was very luxurious but also had that cozy homey feel to it. It was two stories with three bedrooms on the top level and two on the bottom. Each room had it's own bathroom. The kitchen, living room, and TV room was all downstairs. He even had a pool room with a hot tub inside.
"This is a real cool place, dude." Freddie said. Carter and his other friends weren't as impressed as the others because they had been there many times before.
"Thanks." He said, "And that is the end of the tour. You all go pick a room and then we will meet up later."
Natalie took Carter's hand and went upstairs to check out the rooms. They got the first open room they saw. Freddie and Jason got a room across the hall from them. Sebastian ran to an upstairs room, quickly shutting the door behind him. Sam and Luke were in the other downstairs room. Nick and Nicole were the next to show up, smelling of marijuana. They chose the last downstairs room. After everyone settled their bags into their rooms, the group gathered in the kitchen.
"Wait, who's missing?" Sam said and they all looked around.
"Kat," Luke said, almost too quickly. They then heard a nagging high pitched voice and everyone but Luke sighed.
"No fear Kat's here," she said, dropping her bag onto the couch and heading into the kitchen, "somebody going to show me my room or what?" Carter looked straight to Sebastian knowing he was the only one without a roommate. Sebastian, however was digging through the refrigerator, too busy to pay any attention to the new presence in the room.
"Looks like you're going to get a roommate after all, Seb." Carter said teasingly. Sebastian stuck his out from the refrigerator and looked over at Kat standing in the doorway, looking her over.
"Hello there." Sebastian said with a smirk. Kat gave him a coy smile, knowing she loved any attention from the male species.
"Don't just stand around, show her ya'lls room." Sam said.
"We're sharing a room?" Kat asked, pleasantly surprised. She had expected to share a room with the only other single girl amongst their friends.
"Don't mind if I do." Sebastian quickly closed the refrigerator and grabbed Kat's bags from the couch heading upstairs with her following behind giggling like a school girl.
"That should be interesting." Nick said as everyone nodded and agreed. Luke was the only one who didn't join in. He was looking down at his phone, uninterested in the conversation.
"What're we doing first?" Jason asked looking around the table. There wasn't many things to do. They were in a cabin far from any cities or stores. The only thing close was a gas station/Wendys about 10 miles from them.
"We're having a bonfire tonight and just seeing how the rest of the week plays out." Sam said.
"Sounds like a plan." Freddie said as he got up stretching, "I'm going to head to my room and unpack." He finished as he headed out the kitchen and up the stairs.

Tortured Love
Teen Fiction“I don’t know,” She looked at him. His eyes begged for her and she sighed, pressing her lips softly to his nose ‘I love you,’ she thought and bit her lip. She didn't fight his tight grip. She knew he was holding on to her with all the strength he ha...