Carter hadn't been himself, which was expected. A few months had passed and Carter went to school and talked to his friends but he wasn't as lively as before. He noticed that Jason and Natalie had gotten closer and she was smiling more, happier. Surprisingly Carter wasn't mad at Jason, just glad that someone was there for her and keeping her happy. Their friends didn't know what happen, just that they had broken up. They guys questioned it but when they realized Carter wasn't saying anything, they gave up. The girls however were devastated about the break up as if it were them. They kept pushing to know what happened. They gave up eventually, after much persuasion from Luke and Nick. Sam was the only one who knew and Carter trusted him with his life.
"Any plans for spring break?" Kat asked as they sat at the lunch table. They all still sat together, but the seating arrangement had changed. Carter sat in between Luke and Sam. Kat sat in front of Luke beside Nicole with Natalie and Jason beside her, Freddie on her other side, in front of Carter. Nick sat beside Freddie, in front of Sam.
"You ask like we don't do the same thing every year." Luke said.
"What is that?" Jason asked from the end of the table.
"Carter's beach house." Nick said, stuffing his face with the unknown school lunch.
"Cool, dude. You must be rich! You've got your own house and a beach house?" Freddie exclaimed excitedly.
"Not really." Carter shrugged.
"Sorry Jason, I've got a new best friend." Freddie said, staring starry eyed at Carter. The table chuckled.
"Whatever, I've got something better." Jason smiled, wrapping his arm around Natalie's shoulder, pulling her closer. The table went silent. Everyone looked at Carter. Kat cleared her throat.
"So, is Sebastian going to be there?" Kat asked, trying to clear the tense awkward silence.
"No, he's visiting his mom and sister."
"I didn't know he had a sister."
"You didn't stop fucking him long enough to ask." Luke said under his breath but Kat heard him.
"Why're you such an ass?" She exclaimed before throwing a plastic spoon at him and getting up walking out the cafeteria.
"Way to go." Nicole said before getting up to follow her. Luke just shrugged and picked over his food. They had 15 more minutes of lunch left before they had their last period of the day.
"I'm coming over." Sam said more than asked Carter. He shrugged and nodded. Silently grateful that he wouldn't be alone.
Natalie got up when the lunch bell rang. At lunch she only really talked to Nicole and Jason, but she started eating more. Jason walked her to class and kissed her cheek, turning and jogging down the hall to his own class. Natalie smiled to herself. She was a warmer person with Jason. The girls told her she moved on fast, maybe too fast. Jason and Natalie made things official two months after their break up. Carter was still obviously caught up in his errors. At first Natalie used Jason as a distraction from the hurdling pain she felt. He was the only one that was there for her to help and protect her now that Carter was gone. The few months had gone quickly, she'd lost her boyfriend, her sense of family and the house she grew up in. This week was spent stuffing everything into boxes for her mother to move back to Cincinnati with her sister. Her father moved into the city and they bought her flat on the outskirts of the city so she'd at least be close to her father if she needed them.
Both of her parents met Jason and loved him. They gave him the respect they never seemed to give Carter. It was really Jason who gave her the confidence she needed to have her parents give her the independence she wanted. Jason took all her razors when he was helping her pack. This time, Natalie hadn't hidden any.

Tortured Love
Подростковая литература“I don’t know,” She looked at him. His eyes begged for her and she sighed, pressing her lips softly to his nose ‘I love you,’ she thought and bit her lip. She didn't fight his tight grip. She knew he was holding on to her with all the strength he ha...