The rest of the week went by quickly. There were no exes or arguments or fighting. The whole group managed to become closer than they were when they arrived. Saturday was their last full day there and they'd leave their last high school winter break with a bang. Saturday night was the party they'd all been waiting for. They all texted their friends to text their friends to text thiers about it. All of the high school and even some of Sebastian's college friends knew about it. Saturday morning the girls called Kendall, a part of the group almost as busy as Natalie to come early.
She got out of her silver mustang and walked up to the cabin and knocked on the door. Most people were asleep but Kat was up. She jumped up from the couch and opened the door.
"Girl, you're early," Kat laughed and let her in.
"The early bird gets the worm! I got party supplies," Kendall smiled, holding up two huge Party City bags. Freddie trudged down the stairs, rubbing his eyes because he was woken up suddenly. He was a light sleeper so this wasn't the first time he'd been woken up before he was ready this week.
Freddie saw Kat first, starting to make a smart remark but stopped in his tracks when he saw Kendall. She was beautiful, with auburn hair that had blonde highlights in her amazingly curly hair.
"Who is this?" Freddie said in shock. He pushed his hair out of his face and flashed Kendall a smile, " Hey, I'm Freddie."
"Kendall," Kendall replied, smiling sweetly at him.
"He's a jerk, Ken, don't fall for it." Kat said and took a bag from her. Freddie glared at her and took the other bag out of Kendall's hand.
"It's already 12:15, and everyone's still asleep?" Kendall asked. Kat rolled her eyes and nodded.
"I don't understand it," she added and pulled the decorations out of the bag, " Freddie make yourself useful and hang some of this up. Kendall and I will go ahead and put in a pizza order for later. What do you think, like 10 larges?"
"More like 25," Freddie said and started laying the decorations out.
"Damn," Kendall shook her head, "That's a lot,"
"Well if worst comes to worst Sebastian and I will eat it."
One by one everyone woke up and helped set up for the party.
"I think it's coming together well." Kat said after setting the drinks in the cooler.
"Yeah, me too." Sam said, stepping back to look at all the hard work they'd put in. They still had two more hours before the party started.
"We've got drinks, food will be here soon, along with the dj, all the valuables are put away and Sebastian has condoms so no one will be getting pregnant." Nicole ticked off of her imaginary checklist, smirking at Sebastian.
"You talk a lot of shit for someone who wants me." Sebastian said, walking out of the kitchen.
"No one is that desperate." Nicole scoffed.
"We'll see." Sebastian said walking off.
"I see Luke and Kat aren't the only one with sexual tension." Freddie joked, plopping down on the couch in the living room. Nicole flicked him off before going to the door, hearing the doorbell go off.
"That'll be $50.45." The pizza guy said as he handed Nicole the stacks of pizza.
"Boys!" Nicole yelled for them.
"Why're you yelling?" Nick asked, as he came to see what Nicole was yelling about.
"Someone has to pay for this." Nicole said sweetly, walking away.

Tortured Love
Ficção Adolescente“I don’t know,” She looked at him. His eyes begged for her and she sighed, pressing her lips softly to his nose ‘I love you,’ she thought and bit her lip. She didn't fight his tight grip. She knew he was holding on to her with all the strength he ha...