Chapter One: Me

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"Amber get down here!" Yelled my mother.

I looked up at the ceiling and the green walls of my room. Ugh, why do I have to wake up? Was the question that went threw my head. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock it was 7:20. That's right I have school, duh. I was going to be late if I didn't hurry up.

I flung out of bed and got dressed into a plaid shirt and white skinny jeans as fast as I could. I ran into the bathroom and brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I then sprinted out of the bathroom and ran towards the door.

"Sweetie I packed you lunch and here's an apple for breakfast." My mother explained stopping me before I got out the door.

She was in her pink bathrobe still. "Thanks mom" I said taking the food from her and giving her a quick hug.

She stepped away from the door and I went outside. I walked down the sidewalk of California kicking stones here and there. California was nice the sun was almost always shining and I loved it.

All of a sudden I heard music playing behind me. I looked behind me and saw a blue sports car coming down the road. Inside the car was Jake, Robby, Jess, Steve and Mason. They were all cute but, none of them them even looked at me or noticed me.

"Beep" I snapped back into reality and looked to were the beep had come from. I turn to see a red car it was my five friends. "Get in!" Screamed Brit.

"Okay I will." I said super annoyed. I was watching the boys and they ruined it.

As I got in they all stared at me. "What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Don't stare at our boyfriends!" Sarah shouted at me. They all looked forward and Chloe the one who owned the car started to drive to school.

I was so embarrassed. How could I have forgotten that those were my friends boyfriends? I asked myself as I looked outside the car.

I don't exactly have the nicest friends but, their popular.

We then pulled into the school parking lot. My friends got out of the car and ran to there boyfriends, they parked across the parking lot.

I opened the car door and started to head to the school entrance.

"Hey Amber!" Said a males voice from behind me. I turned around to see Todd.

He is not cute at all. He had curly brown hair, huge glasses, and he always was sweaty. I don't know why he was sweaty he never did anything athletic.

"You me date tonight!" Todd said moving his eyebrows up and down. "NO!" I replied speaking loudly.

I turned towards the school and flipped my hair in Todd's face. My friends had told me to flip my hair in ugly guys faces. I walked away up the steps to my school.

Once inside the school I headed to my locker. All of the lockers were painted red and yellow those were our school colors. I had a locker next to Mason and this strange girl named Becky.

Mason was the boy that owned the blue sports car that I had seen this morning. Out of the five boys Mason was by far the cutest. He had brown hair, brown eyes and he was tall. He even sometimes would say hi to me.

I wasn't as pretty as my friends but I had natural red hair and bright green eyes. So maybe, I had a chance with Mason even though the only boy who ever liked me was Todd but, I would never like Todd.

I started to open my locker when I happened to look over. There came Mason and his friends and there girlfriends walking down the hallway. Everyone backed up and got out of there way. Our schools weird. I thought this in my head as they all walked down the hallway.

Chloe was Masons girlfriend. She's a friend we are not super close but we are in the same friend group. She is sorta the leader of our group in away everyone loves her and if your friends with her then people will love you.

Chloe kissed Mason on the cheek and headed towards her locker.

Mason walked over to his locker right beside mine. Then he said "Hey". A million things race around in my mind that's the second thing he said to me this week. I replied with "hi".

"So I saw you get asked out by Todd." Mason said with a smile. "uh...yeah I turned him down though." I said with my face turning bright red.

"We know." Mason said still smiling as he opened his locker. "Who's we?" I said nervously.

" everyone outside Chloe gave him a microphone and a recorder. Her dad owns a recording studio. You know that right?" Mason said laughing a little.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe she did that." I said wanting to cry.

I didn't wait to hear what Mason had to say next I ran down the hallway. Outside of the school I ran up to Chloe's car got out a pen and slammed the pen into the cherry red car. Leaving a pretty small dent in the cars door but, I knew she would notice it.

I ran over to Masons car and slammed the pen into his door. It also left a similar dent to what I had just left in Chloe's. No one had saw me.

I ran all the way home after that.

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