Chapter Sixteen: Work

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"Thanks Paige when do I start?" I asked her. "How about tonight at seven o'clock!" She said sounding excited. "That sounds great!" I told her. After that I walked back to Sophie's a little faster this time. When I got back Sophie was on the computer reading something. "Hi I got another job it's a night one." I told her as I closed the door behind me. "Thats awesome just don't work yourself to hard okay" She told me. "By the way we start our new jobs as journalists tomorrow at six o'clock." She told me looking up at me. "Awesome" I said. Seven came around quick I asked Sophie if I could borrow her car and she said absolutely. I soon arrived at Paige's Pet Store. When I pulled up I saw Masons car in the parking lot. What is he doing here? I wondered as I parked the car. I got out of the car and headed into the pet store. I walked in and the dogs started to bark. "Hi, Paige! How are you?" I said looking at the cages I had to clean. "I am good all of the cleaning supplies is in the closet. I want you to meet our new delivery man. Come out here and I will introduce the two of you." Paige said motioning me to follow her. I followed Paige to a door on the other side of the store. I followed her outside and then I saw him. It was Mason. "Amber what are you doing here?" Mason asked me. He looked at me very puzzled he was carrying a box. "I work here" I told him putting my hands in my pants pockets. "You have already met. That's really great." Paige said. "I am carrying his child." I told Paige. Paige froze and didn't move but I was pretty sure a ton of things were racing around in her mind. "Oh" She managed to say at last. Mason smiled and looked down at the concrete on the road. After we said bye to Mason. Paige showed me what to do and I started cleaning cages. I didn't really enjoy it but, I had to do it for the baby. So I rinsed, scrubbed and washed every cage. I finished at around 8:30. Paige had already left so I locked up the store and head back to Sophie's apartment. As soon as I got back I went to bed. I woke up at five o'clock the next morning and so did Sophie we got dressed and were out the door at around 5:43. It took us about 15 minutes to get there and we had 2 minutes before we were late. We ran into the building made of brick.

Inside there was a man waiting for us in a black suit with a red tie. "Hi" Sophie said to him. "Follow me" He said in a manly voice. He started to walk away and we followed behind him. I didn't really get a good look at the place but, it was super nice it had a lot of windows, many doors and a ton of stone all over the walls. I looked around in amazement. It was really a huge building. The man in front of us soon stopped in front of a door and knocked. We heard a faint voice yell come in. The man opened the door and Sophie and I walked in. The guy who opened the door stayed behind and closed it once we were both in. There was a tall man with jet black hair sitting at a desk in the middle of the medium sized room. He looked to be around the age of twenty-one but, I wasn't sure at the time. "Welcome have a seat." The guy behind the desk told us gesturing towards the two seats in front of his desk. We sat down and the man then spoke "I am Mr. Richman. I own this place and you two will be writing stories. I can only send one person out to each country at a time. So you two will have to come up with who wants to go and who wants to stay. The person who goes will gather information while the person who stays writes up the story." Mr. Richman said staring us in the eyes. He acted like he did this speech about a million times a day. "I will stay" I said volunteering myself. "Wow that was fast usually people break out into a fight." Mr.Richman told us sitting back in his seat. Sophie was silent. I noticed her staring at Mr. Richman with love in her eyes. "Mr. Dann will take you to your office Amber and Sophie you can stay behind. So I can give you the information about the place you are going to." Mr. Richman said glance at Sophie. I noticed they both looked at each other with love. They both liked each other. I stood up and said my good byes to Mr. Richman and followed Mr. Dunn to my office. My office was a lot smaller then Mr. Richman's office. I was surprised a desk even fit in that small little space. When Mr. Dunn left I sat down at my desk and all of the sudden I heard a clink. The necklace Mason gave me in Paris was still around my neck and the chain had just broke. It fell on my desk I picked it up and put it in my cup holder so I could get it fixed. I turned my computer on and went through the files that were already on it there was amazing writing.

Soon Sophie popped her head in. "I get to go to Australia!" She said super excited. "Wow that's so cool!" I told her. "Mr. Richman also asked me on a date!" She said even more excited.

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