Chapter Ten: Here We Come

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When I woke up the next morning I was up super early so I went for a run. I didn't bump into Mason this time which I thought was good because we would be spending a lot of time in Arizona together so we needed some space now. I ran about three miles and went back home.

My mom had planned another huge breakfast. I ate up real quick and went into my room and started packing some more stuff up. The next few days were pretty much the same. I finally finished packing on Sunday. That was my last day to pack up anyways. I left for Arizona Monday. Mason and I really hadn't talked much but he did text to tell me he would be over at four in the morning to pick me up.

I was excited so I decided to get to bed early and make the time go by faster but, I also wasn't exactly a morning person. It was hard to sleep but, somehow I managed to close my eyes and fall asleep.

Beep Beep My alarm clock went off. I practically sprung out of bed I ran to the shower got dressed I put on one of the new dresses I had just bought. I ate breakfast super fast and did all of my morning routine super quick. Both of my parents woke up at four too. I was surprised because I knew they were not morning people either but, they told me they had to say good bye to me. "We love you so much! Don't get into any trouble!" My mother told me almost bursting into tears. "Good bye sweetie! Call us everyday!" My father said giving me a huge hug. Mason wasn't even here yet and they were already saying good bye.

I waited by the window waiting to see Masons blue car come into view. I felt like a little kid waiting to go to there best friends house for a sleepover. Every second felt like an hour but, when I saw his blue car coming down the street I almost screamed. I was so excited if you couldn't tell. Mason must have been excited too because he gave me a big hug when he saw me.

My dad helped Mason load up my stuff into the car. While I talked to my mother "I love you so much mom!" I told her giving her a hug. "I love you too dear and please call us!" My mother told me wiping her tears away. "I will" I said looking over at the car. The boys somehow managed to get all of my stuff in the car with Masons in there too. I walked over to my dad "I love you dad!" I told my father. "I love you too!" He said giving me a hug. When I finished with my good byes me and Mason got in the car and head out for Arizona. We would be in the car for about nine hours and the gps said we would arrive at about one thirty. So I took advantage of that quiet time and slept for about five hours.

When I woke up I was glad to see that we only had about four hours to go. Mason and I talked for a bit about our plans and what kinda job Mason was hoping to get. After our talk I decided to listen to music. I like music but, after listening to the same old songs after awhile it gets a little bit boring. So I stopped listening to music. I had two more hours to go and I was starting to get hungry but, I didn't want to stop and neither did Mason. So we kept on going. I asked Mason if he would like to switch and I would drive but, he said he was fine driving. I think he didn't want to waste that minute it would take for us to switch. After about an hour and thirty minutes passed me and Mason started to get even more excited.

So we talked and before we knew it we were in front of our new apartment. It was a nice building it was painted white and had black doors all over leading into the apartments inside. Mason found our apartment on the top floor near the stairs. He took out the key and put it in when we got in. The place looked pretty nice it had two bedrooms one bathroom and a good sized kitchen it was a nice place. There was one flat screen tv and that was in Masons room so I decided I could survive with just Netflix on my phone. The walls were painted a nice white put I noticed the paint was starting to come of so I thought we should paint them once we had enough money. My mom packed some cleaning supplies so I went out to the car and brought that in first. The apartment looked fairly clean but, I just wanted to make sure. Mason brought stuff in while I cleaned he didn't set anything up he just brought the boxes in and set them on the floor. After the place looked clean.

Mason and I started unpacking all of our stuff and trying to find the perfect place for everything. I didn't need to start my job until Wednesday so I had the rest of tomorrow to unpack. We got super tired so I headed to my bed and Mason headed to his. I was asleep very quickly when I woke up the next morning I was very hungry I totally forgot that yesterday I hadn't eat anything except for what I had at breakfast. Luckily Mason had went to the donut shop and bought some donuts. "Guess what? I got a job at the donut shop had an opening and so I applied and they needed someone who could help out and I was the first to give them an offer in about a week so they took me." Mason said super excited. It wasn't the best job but, a job was a job and as long as it brought us money then it was all good. "Wow that's awesome!" I told him giving him a hug. I was super surprised he had found a job that fast. I ate the donuts up really quick. Then we both started unpacking.

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