Chapter Fourteen: Crying

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I got back to the apartment and fell asleep. I didn't even tell Mason that I was going to sleep so I assumed he stayed up. When I woke up the next morning Mason was there he looked like he was waiting for me. "Amber we need to talk" Mason told me when I came out to the kitchen. "Yeah what about?" I asked him. "We need to break up I don't feel that love connection we used to have. I am sorry could you please move out of my apartment." He told. "What?" I gasped. How could he be so careless to just crush me like that? I ran into my room and slammed the door behind me. I began to cry quietly on my bed. I soon got dressed and did my morning routine in tears and went to work. Mason must have left because he was no longer there. I practically ran to the newspaper place. When I came in I started to cry. "What's wrong?" Sophie said standing up from her desk when she saw me crying. "Mason broke up with me and is kicking me out." I sniffled giving Sophie a hug. "Its alright you can come stay with me." Sophie told me pulling away from the hug to look at me. "Are you sure?" I cried leaning back into her shoulder. "Of course we are friends." Sophie told me giving me a warm smile. "Okay thanks" I said giving her another hug. I soon dried my tears and Sophie sat back at her desk. "Where's Caden?" I asked still standing up since I had no desk to sit at. "He had to take the day off. His kids were sick." Sophie told me grabbing her jacket. "How old are his kids?" I asked since Caden looked to be 40. "He has a daughter who is 7 and a son that's 11. You know that 43 isn't that old?" She said smiling at me. Caden was 43 and all this time I thought he was 40.

"We don't have to really do any work today will go to Masons apartment and get your stuff." Sophie said interrupting my thoughts and grabbing the keys. She walked out the door and I followed her. "We will take my car" Sophie told me. Sophie had a nice car it was small but it was a really cool color red. We got in her car and I showed her were the apartment was. Everything was in my room so I packed everything up fast with the help of Sophie. It took the rest of the day but we got it all into Sophie's car. Mason pulled up right as I was bringing the last bag to the car. "Here's the key" I said as I dropped the key into his hand. He didn't say a word and I was glad. I got into Sophie's car and we headed for her apartment or house I didn't really know.

We soon pulled up in front of a blue apartment with white trim. It was a cute place I assumed it was an apartment because it had a lot of doors. "Come on! Get your stuff and will head up to my apartment." Sophie told me. "Okay" I responded to her. I started grabbing my stuff out of the car and she grabbed some of my stuff too and we headed up to her apartment. We went up some stairs and we stopped on the second floor in front of an apartment. Sophie reached for her key and opened the door after unlocking it. The apartment was really cute it was smaller then Mason's apartment but, it was nice. It had one bed, a small kitchen and a bathroom. It also had a couch, a tv and a desk it was cute. "Let me blow up the air mattress." Sophie said. "I will go get the rest of the stuff I need." I told her. I went out to the car and for some reason I just puked. I didn't now why but, I did I didn't tell Sophie though. I didn't want her to now. I came in with most of my stuff and it may have only been five o'clock but, I was tired so I fell asleep on my air mattress.
When I woke up the next morning Sophie was on the computer at her desk. "Why didn't you wake me up for work?" I asked her. "You no longer work for the newspaper and neither do I" Sophie told me looking over her shoulder at me. "Sophie what are you talking about?" I asked about to burst into tears. "Your a journalist now that writing you did about Paris. We sent it in to a magazine and they loved it I also sent in a piece of writing. They loved it so much they hired us both we are partners now." She said looking at me. "Are you for real no one ever tells me about signing me up for jobs." I said laughing a bit. All of the sudden I ran to the bathroom and puked again. "Amber are you pregnant?" Sophie said asking me. "No" I told her. "Lets go to the doctors and just make sure" Sophie said grabbing the car keys. "Its really nothing. I am just a bit sick" I told Sophie leaving the bathroom. "Come on" She grabbed my hand and led me out the door. I defiantly was not pregnant but, Sophie was going to make sure I went to the doctors.
We soon pulled up to a hospital. It wasn't super big but it wasn't very small. It was a brick building and we went through some doors and Sophie went straight to the front desk and talked to the lady for a little while. She came over with a few papers. I filled them out pretty quick and I was in to see the doctor in no time at all. The doctors name was Dr. Quinn she weighed me and measured my height. She looked at my stomach and did and ultrasound. "Okay Amber" Dr.Quinn said. "Well...." Dr.Quinn was about to say.

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