Chapter Three: How?

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After, I explained myself to the police. They left and told me not to run off again or I was in big trouble. Even though I really didn't even run off. As soon as the cops left Mason got up and said "I am sorry for laughing. I know how bad Chloe gets with her videos." Then he opened the door and left. I ran out after him. "Mason! I am sorry about your car!" I said right as he got into his car. He nodded and left.

I noticed something as he drove off the car door I stabbed with a pen was fixed already and looked exactly the way as it was before. How did he get it fixed so fast? I ran into the house and went into the kitchen. I looked at the stove it was only 9:00. School gets done with at 3:00 so that's only 6 hours to get his car fixed. I don't know that much about cars but, it just seemed so fast to get it fixed. I stopped worrying about it because me eye lids began to feel heavy. I was so tired. I went into my room got my pajamas on and I soon climbed into bad and fell into a deep sleep.

          I woke up and the sun was shining into my green room. It was Saturday I totally forgot. I got out of bed and went to my desk. There was a computer chip flying on it and a note next to it that said "She never posted it. From, Mason ". I pulled out my laptop from under some books and turned it on. I pushed the computer chip into the laptop and the video popped up and it was terrible. All of the embarrassing photos of me and my friends came up and then the video of Todd asking me out and a ton of other stuff I didn't know she recorded. It was terrible. What got me wondering was how Mason was able to fix his car and get this video all with in 6 hours? Chloe wouldn't have just given Mason the chip.

I was getting hungry so I left my room and closed the door behind me. My door it's fixed I totally forgot it was broken. I ran out to the kitchen and found my parents sitting at the table eating. "Who fixed my door?" I asked. "I never knew it was broken." My father said looking concerned. "Who let Mason in yesterday afternoon?" I asked ready for answers. "I did dear he said you two were studying." My mother explained. "Is there something wrong?" My father asked with a confused face. "No, can I burrow the car keys." I asked my parents. I needed talk to Mason "Sure". My mother answered. I went over to the counter and grabbed the car keys. As I headed towards the door my mother called out "Amber you realize you are still in your pajamas right." I totally forgot. "Oh yeah" I yelled back to my parents. I both heard them laughing in the kitchen.

I quickly headed to my room got dressed, brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I grabbed my phone off my night stand. I was ready to go very quickly. I said good-bye to my parents and headed for the door. I got into the car and realized I didn't know we're Masons house even was. I took my phone out and realized I got a text message. It was Mason. How did he get my phone number. The text read 'Hey, I assumed you would want to talk so text me or stop by my house. I live on John St.' Wow, that was a lot easier then I had thought. I started up the car and went to John St. it's not very far from my house. I didn't know what house was his though. So I just looked for his blue car. I finally found it his house was like a mansion. It was huge and white and so pretty.

       I parked the car and started walking up the marble steps. As I walked up the steps I heard screaming inside the house. I rang the doorbell and a girl with brown hair answered the door. She was a little older than me by the looks of it. "What do you want?" She asked very rudely. " Mason here." I asked shyly. "Mason a strange girl is here to see you!" She screamed looking behind her.

Then a door opened up from inside the hallway. It was Mason he walked down the hall towards me. The girl walked away from the door and started screaming at the other girl. They were screaming about how one girl stole another girls dress but, the other one said she didn't. It sounded like a crap load of drama over a dress. I looked towards the hallway again and Mason was no longer in the hallway he was right next to me. He was staring at the girls. He then turned towards me and said "We might want to find a quiet place to talk. Follow me". He walked out the door and walked toward his car. I shut the door behind me and headed toward his blue car. He got in the car and I got in the passenger seat. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see" He answered with a smile.

He started driving and before I knew it we pulled into a cafe called Coffee Cafe. I followed him in we didn't say a word. "What do you want?" He asked. "Um...well I have never had coffee before." I said a little embarrassed I had never tried it before. "What? Your eighteen years old and you have never had coffee!" He said in shock. "Well" I replied not knowing what to say next. "Today's your lucky day your going to have coffee." He said excited. "Okay" I answered nervously. We waited in line for about two minutes and then it was our turn. "We will have two snickers coffees with wipe cream." Mason told the man on the other side of the counter. "That will be six dollars and thirteen cents." The man said. Mason took out his wallet. Then handed the guy the money. We stepped to the side so the next few people in line could order there coffees. Our coffees were done with fast. A woman handed us our coffees and we walked over to a table with two chairs and sat down. "Well try it!" Mason bursted out. I took a sip of the coffee it wasn't bad. I kinda liked it. "Wow, It's pretty good! Thanks for buying it for me." I responded with a smile. "Well I am super glad you like it." he replied. "So I assume you want some answers to how I fixed your door so quickly and it looks exactly the same as it did before." Mason said. "Well yeah" I responded back.

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