Chapter Eleven: New job

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I woke up the next morning at about 7:00 they didn't want me down there until 8:30 so I had plenty of time to get dressed. I wanted to look professional but fun at the same time. So I put on a green dress that went perfectly with my green eyes. I curled my red hair and put on some make up too. I had to admit I looked pretty good. I walked out of my room and saw Mason sitting on his bed when I walked past his room. "Wow Red you look really nice!" He said in his donut shop uniform which was green and purple. "Thanks!" I said kissing him on the cheek. After he wished me good luck and I wished him luck back I walked to the newspaper place. I didn't really know what to call it so that was my name for it. I only walked because Mason and I were sharing his car and the newspaper place was only a block away so I decided walking wouldn't hurt. When I finally saw the place I immediately thought cute. It was a nice little place it reminded me of a cabin. It had wood all over it and nice glass windows all over it.

When I got to the door I walked right in like I owned the place. There was a man and a woman at there own little desks. "Hi I am Amber" I told them. They both glanced up at me and stood up. "Hi I am Sophie" The woman said shaking my hand and smiling. She was wearing jean skinny jeans and a black and white shirt. She looked a bit older then me if I had to guess I would have guessed 20 maybe. "Hi I am Caden" The man said shaking my hand and smiling. He looked a lot older maybe 40 I would have to say. He had blackish hair though it was kinda turning grey and he was taller then me. "Your job here will be to go around and ask people if they want ads in the newspaper it's not a big job and doesn't even really involve writing but, we thought it would be great to start out and meet some people in the city." Sophie said to me. "Okay" I said smiling I didn't like this at all but, I had to do it. "We have created a list of people that have wanted ads in the newspapers before and your job is to get at least five of them into the newspaper. You can only get five though because that's all we can fit." Caden said while handing me a list. I looked down at the list there was at least twenty stores. I didn't really think it would be that hard.

After saying good but I set out to find these places it would be hard walking but it was a tight city it was all sorta packed in. The city was a smaller city and I didn't even now if you could call it that. There were trees and the newspaper place was at the end of the city so things weren't packed in next to it. My first stop was Paige's Pet Store. It wasn't far away. So I headed out and I was there very fast. I walked in and went to the desk. It was very noisy in there all the animals went crazy when I walked in. I assumed they didn't get to many visitors. "Hi I am Amber. I work for the newspaper. Would you like an ad in the newspaper this week?" I asked the lady behind the desk. She looked up at me and said "Well, Hi I am Paige. I would love an ad." She said with a big smile. I checked her name on the list and said my good byes and headed to the next place. I went to many places some people wanted ads some people didn't put in the end I got five ads. It was kinda nice to explore the city. It wasn't a big city with skyscrapers. It was a city with older buildings and a nice mall. I realized that the college really kept this city going and that's why many places stayed in business.

I headed back to the newspaper place and when I got there Caden and Sophie were busy typing at there computers. "I am back I got all five ads." I told them walking in. "Wow that's great!" Sophie said taking the list and putting it on her desk. "Well, it's 3:00 so you can go home now. We will see you tomorrow for some more work." Caden told me giving me a smile and going back to typing on his computer. I said my good byes and headed back to the apartment. In my head I thought I didn't even get to write all I did was ask people questions about ads and check off a list. I didn't think the pay check would be high enough to support me and Mason.

When I got back to the apartment Mason was already there. "Hey how was writing?" Mason asked me as soon as I got in to the door. "It was good" I lied and gave him a smile. "How was the donut shop?" I asked him taking off my shoes and entering his room. "It was really good. I actually had fun and I got to meet a few people who were attending the University of Arizona in the fall." Mason told me with a smile. "Wow that's great! Let's get some dinner I am so hungry." I told him. He shrugged his shoulders and got off his bed and got his car keys off the kitchen counter and we headed out the door. We didn't have any groceries yet so we went out to eat.

We went into a restaurant called Chris's Tacos. We went in and got some tacos and ate them up pretty fast. When I looked out the window of Chris's Tacos. I looked at how the trees were the same as the ones in California and this city sorta reminded me of the town me and Mason used to live in. I guess I began to feel more comfortable about living in Arizona.

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