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"Let's go inside", My warrior's sister dragged her inside, in an attempt to save me. Ayzal... I remember that's what her name is. I need to remember it; she is my warrior's sister. According to my observation, she really loves her sister a lot. 

The only person whom I ever saw her listening to in anger is Ayzal. "I need to remember and observe everything related to my warrior", I reminded myself and walked after them.

"Little puppy do I really look like this beside her?", I contemplated this in my mind. I don't think so but even if I did it doesn't matter. 

"I'll be anything just to stay beside my love", I whispered to myself. I came into the living room again and saw Leena sitting there but did it bother me? No, never.

Without even trying my eyes again went to Yazia who was standing with my mother talking. My warrior surely talks a lot. "Taehyung go call Ha-Joon, we are going to have dinner", my mother turned her attention to me and asked me. I gave her a look of disapproval. 

"I am hurt can't run around after anyone so you can tell a servant to call them", I stated and walked towards her and just stood at a fair distance from my warrior leaning on the backrest of the couch.

"Yeah, he can't run behind anyone except someone important", Namjoon hyung said and stood up. I am noticing him for a while he is talking too much. Usually, he doesn't care but today he is really up to something. Soon I heard a scoff, and it surely came from Leena. I looked at Yazia she had a smirk on her face and then Namjoon had the same smirk. What's going on?

"Come on kids let's go to the dining table food is served", Mom announced, and everyone started to walk towards the dining hall. "Mom, where is Dad I asked her she pointed at the dining table. "There." Dad sat there and looked up at the number of people there.

"We've got a lot of people here", he remarked, his tone betraying his slight bewilderment. It was evident that he is not much fond of large gatherings. Ha-Joon appeared behind me, his presence adding to the crowd. "I'm here too", he announced, making his way over to the table casually.

"I thought you suddenly got mature and decided to stop wasting time when I didn't see you for weeks, but..." Dad's playful sigh was interrupted by a chuckle. "Here you are", he added with a grin.

I ignored them and diverted my attention to the most important person she stood there and just enjoyed the whole banter. Suddenly, she gave a thumbs up, a simple gesture that caught me off guard.

Narrowing my eyes, I couldn't help but wonder who she was signaling to. Following the direction of her gaze, I noticed Namjoon hyung doing the same. A surge of jealousy and frustration swept through me like wildfire.

How dare he? The urge to confront him, to slam his head against the table surged within me. I felt restless, my emotions threatening to overflow as I struggled to contain the seething anger brewing inside. It took all my willpower to resist the urge to act on my impulses.

As they both started to get along, a sense of unease crept over me. Weren't they always fighting? Shouldn't things be the way they were? I walked towards the table pulled a chair and looked at my warrior then pulled the chair beside me for her. She came too and looked around the table, and then her eyes met mine.

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