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"Your parents had an accident and... they didn't survive."

Listening to this Taehyung went numb. Taehyung's world seemed to shatter with those words. Numbness washed over him, a cold, empty void replacing the warmth of his emotions. 

Taehyung's breath caught in his throat as Namjoon's words pierced through the air, heavy with sorrow. His mind struggled to comprehend what had been said, but denial rose up like a protective barrier, shielding him from the full force of the truth.

"Don't prank me, I'm not in the mood," Taehyung's voice wavered, laced with disbelief. His heart refused to accept the devastating news, clinging desperately to the hope that it was all just a cruel joke.

 "How could something so unthinkable be real?", He said trying to cope. The laughter that bubbled up from within him was hollow, a bitter echo of the disbelief coursing through his veins.

"This is not a good joke to do, hyung," Taehyung's voice trembled with a mixture of disbelief and desperation. "You should not joke about this." His hand reached out, trembling, and he lightly patted Namjoon's chest as if seeking reassurance that what he had heard was not true. 

 "I'm sorry, Taehyung, but... they didn't make it," Namjoon's voice cracked under the weight of the unbearable truth. His own grief mingled with Taehyung's. Taehyung's parents meant too much for Namjoon. In the absence of his own parents, they had become like family, providing love and support in times of need.

Tears filled Namjoon's eyes as he felt the weight of their loss. Seeing Namjoon's tears, Taehyung's heart clenched with sorrow. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. It felt like a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. But as he looked into Namjoon's eyes, he knew it was true.

He struggled to process the devastating news, his mind unable to fully grasp the reality of what he had just been told. Yazia was shocked to hear this. The words left her mouth hearing this news.

إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّآ إِلَيْهِ رَٰجِعُونَ

"Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return."

She looked at Taehyung, trying to deny the fact, but she couldn't hide the pain in her eyes. It was a heavy burden for him to bear. The weight of the news hung heavily in the air, suffocating any semblance of normalcy. Taehyung's world had been turned upside down in an instant, and Yazia could feel his pain.

The room felt suffocating, every corner echoing with the weight of the news. Taehyung's gaze remained fixed on the floor, his thoughts scattered like shattered fragments of glass. Memories flooded his mind, a montage of moments shared with his parents now forever frozen in time.

"I got a call from your father's assistant," Namjoon began, his voice heavy with sorrow. "He said they tried to reach you. Your father... he wanted to meet you before..."

Namjoon's words trailed off, unable to muster the strength to say the whole thing. "But you didn't pick up their calls," Namjoon said painfully he knew Taehyung would be hurt by this.

Taehyung's legs gave out beneath him as the full impact of Namjoon's words hit him like a sledgehammer. He stumbled, his world spinning out of control, until Namjoon reached out to steady him

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