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"My Warrior!"

 Taehyung's voice echoed through the empty room as he stood up, his heart sinking with each passing minute. Restlessness gnawed at him, a physical sensation of suffocation tightening his chest. He paced back and forth, his movements frantic as he tried to quell the rising panic.

"She should be okay. Nothing will happen to her," he muttered to himself, his voice strained with worry. Sitting back on the couch, his leg bounced nervously, his lips moved nervously, first licking them and then biting down on them in a nervous habit.

 "Why do I feel so restless? She said she would come back," he reassured himself, the words falling flat in the face of his mounting anxiety.

With a frustrated sigh, Taehyung ruffled his hair and tugged at it, his nerves fraying with each passing moment. "I should call her," he decided, his resolve firm as he made his way to the room to retrieve his phone, almost running in his urgency.

Taehyung's fingers hovered over his phone, poised to dial Yazia's number, but he hesitated. "I should not. She said to leave her alone," he murmured to himself, his voice heavy with uncertainty. With a heavy sigh, he let the phone slip from his grasp, watching it fall back onto the bed.

His heart sank as he realized the depth of his helplessness. He let out a shaky breath, his hand trembling as he struggled to contain his rising anxiety. "Something is not right," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he clasped his hands together, the pressure a feeble attempt to steady his shaking limbs.

"Something..." he scoffed bitterly, the word catching in his throat. "There is nothing right going on," he admitted defeat, his words heavy with resignation. With a heavy heart, he lay back on the bed, curling up in a ball as he tried to calm his wrecking nerves.

Taehyung paced restlessly around the house, his attempts to distract himself from the gnawing worry proving futile. No matter where he went, the anxious thoughts followed him like a shadow, and his trembling only seemed to worsen with each passing moment.

Feeling like a caged animal, he returned to his room, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings. He sank onto the bed, his gaze flickering to the clock. It was almost 8 pm, and the darkness outside only served to heighten his unease.

"She will come back," he repeated to himself, the words a mantra he desperately clung to in the face of his mounting fear. But as doubt crept in, his voice faltered, betraying the deep-seated uncertainty that lurked within him.

"Will she really come back to me?" he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. The thought of her never returning sent a chill down his spine, the fear of losing her consuming him like a dark cloud.


The clock struck midnight, and Taehyung's patience wore thin, his nerves stretched taut like a rubber band ready to snap. "Now it's too much. I can't bear more," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with desperation. With trembling hands, he reached for his phone, his fingers fumbling as he dialed Yazia's number, hoping for some sign of her whereabouts.

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