Chapter 5

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I didn't realize how cruel people could be. I didn't notice I had blacked out until I woke up. I was laying on a couch in the music room. "So, your up." I heard a familiar voice say. It was Kyoya, he was sitting in front of me placing a towel on my head. "Are you okay?" He asked politely. "I don't know..." I said while feeling dazed. The room was still spinning and I tried to get up but failed at that. Kyoya layed me back down and told me not to move. "You have a slight concussion." He told me and placed a new towel on my head.

"What happened to you cuz?" Karou asked while leaning over me. Hikaru leaned over me as well and he looked worried. "I didn't realize how much people care about this club..." I mumbled under my breath. "Did someone beat you up?" Haruhi asked. I was almost about to answer sarcastically, but I caught myself. I thought That will just give them another reason to call me a stuck up brit. "Yea some girls said that I disrespected the host club." I said instead. "You really don't look good... and it serves you right!" Tamaki said and got a slap from Haruhi.

"I know what will cheer everyone up!" Tamaki said, cheering up. "We could go on a club vacation!" "But Emilia isn't in the club." Hikaru and Karou said in sync. "Well, my uncle doesn't want me to be away from you two for a second." I stated blandly to the hosts. "Yea, we think he likes her more then us." Karou said.

"We could stay at my families resort." Kyoya suggested. Everyone agreed to going after I got better. I think that Tamaki guy was mad at me for going too but there was no way for me not to go. My uncle really doesn't want me to get hurt again. "The resort has a pool and spa so remember to bring a swimsuit." Kyoya said interrupting my thoughts. After he said that I reminded myself to go buy a new swimsuit before we went. I hadn't gone swiming in years and had no swimsuits. In the end everyone was looking forward to our trip.

(A/N: hey guys sorry for not updating lately. I've magically been busier then I thought I would be. Technical problems also occured. I had typed up a full paragragh and authors note then I accidentally deleted everything new. T-T I was so depressed especially since I don't have a good memory and forgot everything. But out of the blue really late at night I remembered most of the stuff and I was able to rewrite it, yay! By the way I also wanted to say sorry about the short chapters I'll try to make them longer and plan my updates. So to read more on the way click the watch button and remember always be a fluffy kitten!!)

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