Chapter 6

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The next few weeks went by slowly. It seemed like forever until I was better. Everyday I was reminded to buy a swimsuit by Hikaru and Karou, and everyday I forgot to. Until the day I came to school and was told "You should be feeling better by now." by Kyoya. "Oh, yeah I guess I am." I said shakily because he had scared me. I guess that's why they call him the shadow king.

"Then I shall arrange for the club vacation to be next week." Kyoya said in his usual sophisticated tone. He was standing up straight with his perfect posture, and looking down at me. He is so tall and my eyes couldn't help but wander to his chest, imagining what was underneath his shirt and if he had a six pack or not. He must have noticed my staring and broke my thoughts by saying "Well then, I must be on my way. I'm glad that your feeling better." With that last remark, he left. As he was leaving I was wondering if that remark had been of his own feelings. 'Oh my gosh, maybe he likes me back?' I thought to myself, getting my hopes up.

'This trip is going to be fun, seeing Kyoya in a swimsuit. Wait... I DON'T HAVE A SWIMSUIT! GAH!' I yelled in my mind, cussing myself out. I bit my tongue and swallowed my fear, turning it into confidence. 'I can do this. I'll take my cousins to help me pick out a swim suit.' I thought to myself. And speak of the devils, for in fact the two were walking toward me.

"Hey cus, did we get the ok for the trip?" Hikaru asked with Karou asking another question right after. "Did u remember to get your swimsuit?" was Karou's question. "We got the ok, but I still haven't gotten a swimsuit..." I said telling the truth and admitting defeat. "Gosh cus, your so forgetful." Hikaru said. "Yea, you would forget your head if it wasn't attached." Karou mocked. But it was true in this situation. "I don't what to do...." I whispered in a depressed manor. "I know! We could go shopping right after school." Hikaru piped up. "We could help you pick one out." Karou followed up trying to keep the mood positive. It was a great idea to me. I immediately perked up at that thought and my cousins noticed how happy i became. So we made an agreement, we were going to go shopping right after school.

The rest of the day went smoothly, in gym we moved on and stopped doing volleyball weeks ago. Minskura and I had gotten closer, and she was the only one who stood up for me when everyone was so rude and cruel. We had hung out many times now and we couldn't be better friends, but when I told her about the trip and how I was going to get a swimsuit after school she flipped out. She begged to go with me and kept begging until I had finally said that she could go.

So after school Minskura and I waited for my cousins to come outside but they came with a surprise.

(A/N: Ok! Done! Sorry for another short chapter but 8th grade is super hard and I have tons of homework. I had to get a chapter done, so I rushed sorry guys. Now, back to thy homework... (╥_╥) Bye! Stay fluffy kittens!)

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