First rehearsal

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Jacquie TH : today is mine and Richelle's first rehearsal for our duet and I'm kinda nervous
(Jacquie walks in to studio 1)
Richelle : hey you ready to get started then ?
Jacquie : yep sure
Richelle : ok so maybe to start with we could face each other , do a double turn , you do a butterfly over my shoulders
Jacquie : yeah sounds good
(Richelle and Jacquie start making choreography)
(Noah and Henry go into the studio)
Henry : it looks ok so far , their not killing each other
Noah : yeah
Henry : do you wanna go get a juice bro ?
Noah : yeah sure let's do it
Noah TH : I don't think I need to be worried do I
Richelle TH : this duet isn't actually looking that bad
Jacquie TH : I'm actually having a good time
(Henry and Noah are in the shakes and ladders getting a drink)
Henry : you ok bro , you seem pretty distracted
Noah : yeah I'm good I just don't get why Jacquie and Richelle got paired up
Henry : I know bro it's mad
Noah : I mean the team must have picked them two though
Henry : well yeah but I don't think it's a big deal
Noah TH : something about this just doesn't seem right to me
Henry : maybe you should talk to Jacquie , If it's bothering you so much
Noah : yeah your right bro
Henry : anytime man , I'll see you in rehearsals
Noah : yeah see you in rehearsals
Noah TH : I need to talk to Jacquie
(Noah walks into the studio)
Noah : hey Jacquie , umm can we talk for a sec ?
Jacquie ; umm can it wait me and Richelle are just going through this bit
Richelle : no it's fine , I'll catch up with you in a bit
Jacquie : ok
Jacquie : you ok ?
Noah : yeah I just can't get my head around you and Richelle being paired up
Jacquie : I mean it's not that big of a deal , me and Richelle are the two best dancers on the team and we have worked together before
Noah : I know but for chemistry
Jacquie TH : I don't get why Noah is making this such a big deal , it's just a duet it's not that deep
Jacquie : look you should be happy that I'm in a dance
Noah : no I am , I just wish maybe you and me could of got the duet together maybe you could ask Emily and Michelle if I could fill in Richelle's spot
Jacquie : I can't just take Richelle off the duet
Noah : no of course but if you and me danced together Jacquie the duet would be incredible we have so much chemistry
Jacquie : yeah we do..
Jacquie TH : I don't wanna dance with Noah I'm actually enjoying dancing with Richelle we just click
Noah : just think about it yeah
Jacquie : yeah
(Noah kisses Jacquie)
(Jacquie goes into shakes and ladders)
Jacquie : hey Richelle
Richelle : hey do you want a juice ?
Jacquie : sure
Richelle : so how do you think the duet is going ?
Jacquie : yeah it's going good
Richelle : yeah I thought if this cool section we could do where I lift you in the air and then we jump and do a few turns
(Jacquie zones out of the conversation)
Richelle : Jacquie
Jacquie : sorry what ?
Richelle : did you not listen to anything I just said
Jacquie : yeah umm great
Richelle : is something up ?
Jacquie : it's just Noah he thinks it's better if I do the duet with him
Richelle : oh does he
Richelle TH : why does it not surprise me , it's not the first time Noah's tried to take me off a dance
Richelle : I'll be back in a second
Jacquie : no Richelle wait
(Richelle goes to find Noah)
Richelle : I can't believe your trying to get me off this duet again
Noah : Richelle I just think if me and Jacquie danced together we would have more chemistry
Richelle : chemistry oh don't worry Noah I'll show you chemistry
Emily : woah , what is going on here
Richelle : Noah is trying to take me off the duet
Emily : Noah , what have I told you about this , Richelle and Jacquie are doing the duet end off
(Noah looks down)
(Richelle smiles at Noah , Noah looks at Richelle)
Noah TH : I just don't have a good feeling about this duet at all
Closing titles

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