The challenge

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Noah : ok guys so this is how the challenge is going to work , we're gonna do solos only , freestyle see what you guys can do , we will get it down to 12 or maybe 14 nationals is a bit different this year as they are expanding the numbers of dancers that can be on the team but just because they are doing that doesn't mean every spot is secured
Richelle : so we're gonna split you into groups
(Ozzy , Kingston , Henry are giggling and laughing)
Finn : guys
Noah : hey Richelle is talking
Henry : I know but
Noah : you know but what , this is A troupe auditions for the nationals team if you don't wanna be part of that team then you don't need to be here , but maybe if you do then you should just stay quiet while Richelle talks ok !
Henry : ok sorry bro
Henry TH : I guess having your best friend as studio head does have some negatives
Richelle : ok so group 1 lets have , Macy , Scarlett , Freya , Millie and Kingston
Kingston : alright
Laura TH : I was hoping I got to be in Freya's group
Richelle : ok group 2
(Jack walks in)
Jack : hey umm this is the right place isn't it ?
Scarlett : what is he doing here ?
Noah : guys don't worry about it ok , regionals is in the past now we focus on the present ok , Jack is sorry ok we move on , Jack come and get warmed up
Jack : ok
Jack TH : it is nerve wracking to walk into the studio after what happened at regionals but I'm trying to be a better person so I'm glad Noah gave me a chance
Richelle : ok group 2 , Piper , Summer , Amy , Olive and Ariana
Richelle : group 3 , Poppy , Laura , Heath , Ozzy and George , Henry
Richelle : group 4 , Maisie , Finn , Ashton , and Finley
Richelle : and group 5 , Luke , Izzy  , Milli and Rubie and Jack
Maisie : wait what about Tali ?
Noah : don't worry Tali has got a secured spot already
Kingston : that's hardly fair
Noah : look who's in charge is it you
Kingston : no
Noah : well don't answer back then
Kingston TH : I thought Noah being studio head would be cool but now he's letting it get to his head
Richelle : ok group 1 your up first
(Speed drive plays)
(Macy starts her solo)
Macy TH : I really wanted to go to regionals last year but going to nationals would be a dream come true I'm not gonna let my chance go to waste
Poppy TH : Macy is killing it , I'm not just dancing my hardest to get on the team now I'm dancing my hardest to make Daisy proud
(Scarlett starts her solo)
Scarlett TH : I am pulling out all my best tricks and I really hope I get in
(Freya starts her solo)
Freya TH : this is the first time I've auditioned for A troupe so I'm nervous but I'm positive I'm gonna get in
Laura TH : she's just amazing
(Millie starts her solo)
Millie TH : I feel good about my solo and I'm dancing for Tali so I hope I make her proud
(Kingston starts his solo)
Kingston TH : I've never been nervous for a audition before but dancing for Noah just doesn't really seem right
(Kingston messes up his flip)
Ozzy TH : Kingston lands that flip all the time I don't know what is going on with him
Richelle : ok thanks guys let's have group 2
(Piper starts her solo)
Piper TH : I am feeling really confident about this solo and I think I've got a chance
(Summer starts her solo)
Summer TH : I am nervous and I definitely did learn a lot after regionals but I'm happy and I'm confident about this audition
(Amy starts her solo)
Amy TH : it is a bit annoying having to re audition but as long as me and piper make the team then we will be ok
(Olive starts her solo)
Olive TH : I feel so confident about this audition , Ariana helped me so much and I love her and I'm glad we get to be together at last
(Ariana starts her solo)
Ariana TH : I am confident about this solo and I really want to go to nationals especially with Olive
Richelle : ok group three
(Poppy starts her solo)
Poppy TH : I am dancing the hardest I've ever danced before I just hope it's enough
(Laura starts her solo)
Laura TH : I'm pulling out all my best tricks right now of course to impress one girl
(Freya looks over at her)
Freya TH : she's pretty good
(Heath starts his solo)
Heath TH : I have wanted to go to nationals for years and I'm so glad I finally might get the chance to
(Ozzy starts his solo)
Ozzy TH : I'm just gonna dance my hardest and I hope that I can do it
(George starts his solo)
George TH : I have never danced before much but Finley taught me a solo and I love it , I hope I get the chance to be on A troupe
(Henry starts his solo)
Henry TH : I really want to go to nationals and show Noah how serious I am about the team
Richelle : ok group 4
(Maisie starts her solo)
Maisie TH : I have been through a lot in my life but I finally feel like myself again and I'm ready for nationals , I hope I get the chance to be on the team
(Finn Starts his solo)
Finn TH : I'm dancing good right now so hopefully I've got a shot to go to nationals
(Ashton starts his solo)
Ashton TH : I'm dancing pretty good right now and I did help the team at regionals I just hope we can put all the drama behind us and work together as a team
(Finley starts his solo)
Finley TH : I'm dancing really good right now so I think I have a good shot at making the team me and George have been close recently and I want us to be able to dance together
Richelle : ok and finally group 5
(Luke starts his solo)
Luke TH : I know I was part of the other team at regionals but the next step really is like a family and I wanna be part of that family
(Izzy starts her solo)
Izzy TH : regionals wasn't great but I hope I can go to nationals with the team ,losing Daisy did hurt but we have to stay focussed and I hope I can be part of the team
(Milli starts her solo)
Milli TH : even though I couldn't go to regionals with the team being at the next step really changed me and I wanna be part of the team and have a fresh start
(Rubie starts her solo)
Rubie TH : I really want a chance to go to nationals and I hope I can help the team if I get in
(Jack starts his solo)
Jack TH : I know I made a lot of mistakes but being here with Noah and this team it just feels good and I'm ready to make up for everything I did and start fresh
Noah : ok thanks guys those were some amazing auditions we will talk about the decision we will let you guys know
Richelle : thanks guys
Henry : well done bro
Finn : thanks man , well done sis you did great
Macy : thanks you did good too
(Kingston goes into the locker room)
Ozzy : you ok ?
Kingston : I can't do this
Ozzy : what
Kingston : Noah he's not being fair
Ozzy : I think he's doing a good job
Kingston : Tali only got put on the team straight away because she's his sister , Tali has missed many rehearsals and she gets an instant spot
Ozzy : Tali is going through a hard time right now
Kingston : yeah well I'm sorry to her but the team isn't fair if we want to win nationals then Tali can't be on the team she's probably the weakest dancer there , and Jack as well , he's just favouritism everyone
(Noah hears the conversation)
Noah TH : I thought having the guys on the team would be great but what they are saying right now is not cool , I'm gonna really have to think about my decision now
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