I like you but i'm scared

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Noah TH : I'm on my own for the rehearsals today and I don't know if I can cope on my own
(James walks in)
James : hey someone in need of their knight in shining armour
Noah : James ? , what are you doing here ?
James : I had to come back to see you
(Noah hugs James)
Noah : I'm so glad your here I don't know what I would do without you
James : hey I'm here now ok and I'm not going anywhere , let's get this team ready for nationals
(Richelle goes into Scarlett's room)
Jacquie : she'll be ok
Richelle : I'm such an idiot Jac , I couldn't even keep my eye on the road it's my fault she's in there
Jacquie : hey this is not your fault ok , you didn't know what was going to happen
Richelle : she's my sister I should of protected her
Jacquie : stop blaming yourself I'm here ok and I'm not going anywhere
(Jacquie holds Richelles hand)
(Jack goes into the room)
Jack : hey umm can I umm
Richelle : sure
(Richelle and Jacquie leave the room)
Jack : I'm so sorry Scarlett , I feel terrible ok , you didn't deserve this , and I'm gonna be here for you ok
(Poppy walks in)
Poppy : oh sorry
Jack : no it's ok , she looks cute when she's asleep doesn't she
Poppy : yeah I just want her to wake up though
Jack : yeah same I'm gonna umm go I need to rehearse
Poppy : ok see ya
Jack : see ya
(Jack goes back to the studio)
Heath : hey you ok ?
Jack : fine
Heath : look I'm here for you and I'm not gonna tell anyone anything
Jack : thanks I appreciate that
Heath : do you wanna hang out after rehearsals ?
Jack : umm I don't know
Heath : come on I thought we were friends now
Jack : yeah we are.. well maybe mor I mean nothing sure I'll hang out afterwards then
Heath : ok
(Noah leads the rehearsal with James)
Piper : James would of been a great studio head
Amy : yeah he would of been
(Back at the hospital)
(Scarlett starts to wake up)
Poppy : Scarlett ?
Scarlett : oh.. what happened to me ?
Poppy : you got into an accident
Scarlett : is Richelle ok ?
Poppy : yeah she's ok , Scarlett I'm sorry I said what I said
Scarlett : what did you say ?
Poppy : look I was just scared ok
Scarlett : what do you mean ?
Poppy : it doesn't matter I'm just glad your ok , I've got to go
(Jack goes over to Heath)
Jack : Heath I need to tell you something
Heath : yeah sure what's up ?
Jack : I .. I like
Olive : hey Jack
Ariana : aww are you two together now
Jack : what us no of course not
Ariana : I was joking
Jack : oh
Heath : don't worry I got it
Jack : no Heath wait
Jack TH : why is it so hard
Closing titles

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