Growing feelings

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Scarlett : hey Poppy I need to tell you something
Poppy : yeah what's up ?
Scarlett : me and Maisie had a dance battle
Poppy : what ?
Scarlett : for Daisy
Poppy : hang on your telling me you had a dance battle to get my sister
Scarlett : well she challenged me to it I couldn't say no
Poppy : that's not how you win Daisy you know she likes you
Scarlett : sorry what was that ?
Poppy : no nothing I didn't say anything look I need to go I'll see you later
Scarlett : ok see ya
(Noah is working on a solo in studio A)
Maisie : Noah there's something for you
Noah : oh sweet what is it ?
Maisie : it wasn't signed
Noah : hope your doing ok , and still working on your amazing music like you were before I'm sorry for how we left things x
Noah TH : I don't know who this is from ?
(Amanda walks into shakes and ladders)
Riley : Amanda ?
Amanda : Riley..
Riley : hey omg it's nice to see you
Amanda : yeah you too
Riley : I'm so sorry for what happened at regionals
Amanda : don't worry about it , it's fine it's all in the past now
Riley : I'm just glad you've forgiven me
Amanda : look we all deserve second chances I mean you guys taught me that
Riley : yeah so are you here for a reason ?
Amanda : I'm just visiting
Riley : oh nice well I've got J troupe rehearsals but maybe we can catch up later
Amanda : yeah
Amanda TH : the real reason I came back was to see Noah
(Daisy gets a call from the hospital)
(Tali hears Daisy on the phone)
Tali : you alright Daisy ?
Daisy : yeah I'm fine don't worry about it
(Daisy runs off)
Tali TH : something is definitely going on with Daisy
(Tali sees Millie)
Tali : hey Millie
Millie : what do you want Tali ?
Tali : please just give me a chance to explain things
Millie TH : I still really like her so I'm gonna hear her out
Tali : look Scarlett was upset because she lost the dance battle and I was trying to be there for her and she kissed me
Millie : but you didn't back away
Tali : I know but Millie It's not like you and me are even a thing
Millie : right yeah your right I need to go
Tali : Millie wait
Tali TH : why do I keep messing up
(Poppy goes over to Daisy)
Poppy : hey dais you alright ?
Daisy : yeah I'm fine why
Poppy : no no reason , congrats on your solo sis
Daisy : thanks
(Daisy falls on the floor)
Poppy : whoa hey are you ok ?
Daisy : yeah I'm fine my foot just slipped
Poppy : but the floors not slippery
Daisy : it's fine don't worry about it
Poppy : ok
(Daisy walks off)
Noah TH : I can not get my head around this note it doesn't make sense
(An hour later)
(Daisy and Maisie are in shakes and ladders getting a drink)
Maisie : that was a intense rehearsal
Daisy : yeah she definitely works us hard
Maisie : yeah
(Scarlett walks in with Rubie and Macy)
(Scarlett looks over at Maisie)
Daisy : hey Scarlett's looking at you
Maisie : oh
(Maisie looks at Scarlett)
Maisie : that's weird
Macy : you ok ?
Scarlett : yeah I'm fine I'm just staring at Daisy
Rubie : you weren't looking at Daisy then you were looking at Maisie
Scarlett : well I was just giving her a warning look you know anyways we should get back to rehearsals
Rubie : yeah sure
(Daisy goes over to Scarlett)
Daisy : hey Scarlett
Scarlett : got to go sorry Daisy
Daisy : oh ok
Daisy TH : that was weird I just wanted to talk to her , maybe she would understand if I told her what was going on with me
(Noah rings all his contacts)
Noah TH : I've rang nearly everyone well some people have ignored me but it's cool , trying to find out who sent this note and there's only person left
(Noah rings the phone , he hears a ringtone)
Amanda : hey Noah
(Noah turns around)
Noah TH : wow I did not expect this , it's Amanda.. oh boy
Closing titles

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