The biggest shock part 1

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(A troupe and J troupe are working on the finals routine for regionals)
Tali : your in the wrong line
Millie : oh sorry maybe you shouldn't be stood so close to me
Tali : your meant to be in middle row and I'm meant to be in the front
Millie : oh yeah of course sorry
(Millie fake smiles and moves lines)
Finn TH : things are not great no one is connecting
Noah : ok guys you gotta be tighter on that section it needs to be sharp
Summer : yeah Tali you need to make sure that's a full pirouette not a half
Tali : yeah got it
Summer TH : regionals is right around the corner and this dance is not ready
Finley : wait guys who am I supposed to dance with ? I was paired with Maisie
Noah : just umm we will sort that out later ok
Finley : ok
Noah TH : the dance is a mess the team is a mess , I just wish Maisie was here she'd know what to do
Jude : hey piper how's the dance going ?
Piper : not good everyone is arguing and it's a mess , it's definitely not the same without Maisie
Jude : oh right , well hopefully you work it out
Piper : thanks
Jude TH : we've got to do this
Emily : hey guys what about we have a movie night tonight in the studio
Noah : no
Summer : yeah definitely not a movie night
Henry : I am not having another sleepover
Michelle : well what about an escape room ?
Jacquie : no not again
Michelle TH : we've got to find some way to get the team back together I just don't know what to do
(Jude rings Cleo)
Jude : hey this has gone on for too long , the team are struggling and they need her
Cleo : ok are you sure about this though ?
Jude : yeah it's time they knew the truth
Cleo : ok
Noah : ok guys let's run through the routine from the top
(Tali and Daisy do their duet section)
Millie : oh Tali do you know what would make this dance better if you look daisy in the eyes and tell her you love her
Tali TH : seriously
Tali : no you know what I'm not doing this anymore
Millie : oh cause you know what you did and you don't want to admit it
Tali : oh just stop Millie
Noah : guys stop arguing
(A troupe and J troupe all start arguing with each other )
Jude : guys ? , guys
Cleo : guys !
Piper : Cleo ?
Cleo : look guys you can't keep arguing like this , this isn't how your gonna win regionals
Daisy : we're not gonna win regionals cause we've lost one of our best dancers
Amy : yeah ever since Maisie died the team just hasn't been the same
Cleo : well we may have someone who can fix that
Noah : who ?
(A girl walks into the room , A troupe are all shocked)
Noah : no way
Noah TH : this has to be a dream right ?
Closing titles

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