Its not always been easy

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Noah : I don't know what to do
James : are you kidding , you shouldn't even have to even think about it
Noah : but I do
James : Noah being studio head is a one in a lifetime opportunity, you have to take it
Noah : but I've always just been a dancer , I mean I started on J troupe
James : yeah you did Noah , you started on J troupe then you went to A troupe , you helped the team win internationals , of course you can do this Noah
Noah TH : James is right I need to do this it's best for the team
Noah : I love you
James : I love you too , how's Jack ?
Noah : yeah he's well not great but there's nothing I can do
James : you can be there for him
Noah : be there for him are you mad ?
James : Noah he's your brother
Noah : I don't care what he is
James : Noah , whatever went on in the past , he's still your brother and he's made a mistake
Noah : a lot of mistakes
James : but we can't avoid him forever , what happened ?
Noah : mum and dad they have got on , I started dancing and they arguing about how much Cost and who should take me to the rehearsals they would argue every night , Jack was always ignored , I was always the child who got noticed and who mum and dad favourited , I ended up moving in with Maisie and George and he got left behind and we lost touch
James : that's bad , maybe he has reason to do what he did
Noah : I guess so but it still doesn't make what he did right
James : I know but Noah , family is the most important thing , go and talk to him
Noah : ok
(Noah goes to see Jack)
Noah : hey
Jack : what do you want ?
Noah : Jack your rib
Jack : it's fine
Noah : no it's not your in pain
Jack : I'm fine honestly
Noah : can we talk ?
Jack : there's nothing to say
Noah : yeah there is
(Jack tries to walk out the room but Noah grabs his arm and pushes him away from the door)
Noah : please
Jack : fine
(Jack sits down)
Noah : why didn't you stay in touch
Jack : I had mum and dad to deal with all the time it wasn't easy and you'd left
Noah : I didn't have to leave
Jack : but you did you left to go and stay with Maisie who's your cousin she wasn't even your sister well not your real sister anyway
Noah : I know wait what do you mean actual sister it's just me and you in the family
Jack : I can't say anything
Noah : no tell me what sister ?
Jack : we have two sisters Noah , mum was with their dad years ago
Noah : well who ?
(Jack shows Noah the photo)
Noah : no
Jack : yeah
Noah : what , but how
Jack : it's a long story
Noah : their my sisters , but I literally have danced on the same team as them
Jack : they lived together on their own they got away from mum fighting
Noah : but she's on the same team as me why would she not tell me
Jack : because they don't know , dad told me everything but mum kept from them , she didn't want us to be close
Noah : I don't get why
Jack : look I just wish you stayed and then I wouldn't of had to deal with everything on my own
Noah : I'm sorry I understand that but what you did that wasn't cool bro
Jack : I didn't have a choice
Noah : what do you mean ?
Jack : miles he said he would try and hurt our sister
Noah : which one
Jack : both of them Noah
Noah : so you did everything for them and not me
Jack : no that's not what I'm saying Noah
Noah : then what are you saying !
Jack : I miss you ok , I miss you being around , I needed you when things got tough but you weren't there and I felt like I'd lost my brother
Noah : your never gonna lose me
(Noah hugs Jack)
Noah : love you bro
Jack : I love you too
Closing titles

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