Hes gonna pay for it

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Ashton : Olive can you hear me ?
Olive : Ashton ?
Ashton : omg thank god , are you ok ?
Olive : yeah I think so
Ashton : no no don't try and move just stay there I'll get you some help
Olive : ok..
(Ashton calls Izzy)
Ashton : hey I need your help fast
Izzy : ok I'm on my way
Ashton TH : hopefully Izzy will understand why I did it I can't lose her
Izzy : is that miles ?
Ashton : shh ok look he did it ok he did it to Daisy
Izzy : what are you talking about ?
Ashton : he spiked Daisy and he spiked Olive , Daisy died because of her heart because she got spiked he killed her
Izzy : omg how do you know this ?
Ashton : I overheard him talking to Jack the whole team are dodgy and their trying to split Maisie and Scarlett up as well
Izzy : so the necklace then thing ?
Ashton : yeah it's miles he's behind it all and we've got to do something
Izzy : but we don't have enough proof and your not even fully on the team how are people gonna believe you , you need more advice Ash
Ashton : I know that's why I need your help
Izzy : Ash I can't
Ashton : you need to ok look whatever their planning isn't good and it could ruin the teams chance of winning regionals and someone else could end up like Daisy and we don't want that , we find out what their planning and stop them but to do this I need you
(Ashton holds Izzy's hand)
Ashton : please Izz
(Izzy looks up at Ashton)
Izzy : ok fine
Ashton : we need to find Poppy
Izzy : Poppy isn't gonna believe us ash
Ashton : this is about daisy , she wants to do whatever it takes to get justice for Daisy
Izzy : but no one saw what happened to Daisy we can't be sure it was him
Ashton : it was , I know it was just come with me
Izzy : ok
(Ashton and Izzy go back into the hotel)
Ariana : is Olive ok ?
Ashton : yeah she's fine she's awake
Ariana : oh thank god
Millie : oh phew , can we go and see her please Emily
Emily : ok fine
(Ashton and Izzy sneak into Miles's room )
Ashton : look here that's the tablets he used to spike Daisy and Olive
Izzy : omg that's super strong fast knock out
Ashton : yeah we need to find Poppy
Izzy : yeah
(Ashton and Izzy go over to Poppy)
Ashton : Poppy we know what happened to Daisy ?
Poppy : what are you on about ?
Ashton : it was miles
Poppy : don't be silly , Daisy was on the floor in the room
Ashton : he spiked her
Poppy : yeah right guys I know Daisy had a heart condition she didn't take her meds or something that's why she died
Ashton : no it's not
Poppy : look you two are nice ok but please just stay out of my business what happened to Daisy doesn't matter anymore she's already gone , she's dead ok
Ashton : Poppy please just listen to us
Poppy : just leave me alone and go play your detective game somewhere else
(Poppy walks off)
Izzy : well that didn't go well
Ashton : she just doesn't want to believe us
Izzy : so what's the plan now ?
Ashton : find out what Jack is doing
Izzy : ok
(Izzy goes over to Jack)
Izzy : hey how are you
Jack : umm hi
Izzy : you know what I think your such an amazing dancer and the dances you do is amazing
Jack : umm thanks
Izzy : I was thinking maybe you could teach me something
Jack : yeah ?
Izzy : yeah
Jack : alright sure we can do it here
Izzy : oh no we will get distracted out here , let's go into the rehearsal room
Jack : oh ok
(Izzy and Jack go to the rehearsal room)
Izzy : oh I'm actually thirsty
Jack : I can get you a drink from the bar
Izzy : oh no I think there might be some in here
Jack : why would there be drinks in the cupboard ?
Izzy : because you never know when the cleaners will get thirsty
Jack : umm
(Izzy pushes Jack into the cupboard)
Jack : ow hey ! , let me out
(Izzy locks the door and runs off)
Izzy TH : with that idiot out the way I can find out what those little idiots are planning
Maisie : scarl I wouldn't take your necklace
Scarlett : well it didn't just get into your room for no reason did it ?
Maisie : omg of course
Scarlett : what ?
Maisie : I knew it
Scarlett : what ?
Maisie : Jack did it
Scarlett : what ? , ok now your just being ridiculous
Maisie : oh come on it's so obvious he's bad news I'm telling you
Scarlett : Jack did not take my necklace , I can't believe you would blame him for this
Maisie : Scarlett why can't you see what's in front of you , he's bad news the moment he got here he probably spiked Olive's drink
Scarlett : your being ridiculous
(Scarlett walks off)
Maisie : scarl wait
Maisie TH : I know I'm right I just need to get Scarlett to see it
(Izzy searches in Jacks room)
Izzy : oh come on there must be something
Reece : hey what are you doing in here ?
Izzy : oh I was just looking for my charger
Reece : why would it be in jacks room ?
Izzy : because I was in there last night with him
Reece : really ?
Izzy : yeah you know we can be close sometimes , we text all the time
Reece : oh really ?
Izzy : yeah definitely but it's not in here so it's fine
Reece : oh right well I can get you a charger from my room if you need one
Izzy : oh no it's fine , actually umm has Jack said anything to you about any plans he has ?
Reece : umm I mean we just plan to win regionals
Izzy : oh yeah of course but I mean like any plans like crushing a team or something
Reece : well..
Izzy : tell me everything you know
Reece : why I don't even know you
Izzy : well you do now
Reece : I don't know anything ok
Izzy : liar I know you do and your not leaving until you tell me
Reece : you can't do this to me , I'll tell
Izzy : oh I'm sure you will look we can do this the hard way or the easy way , so I suggest you just start talking
Reece : alright he snapped Scarlett's necklace ok thats all I know , he's trying to split her and Maisie up , he thought it would distract her now please just don't hurt me
Izzy : ok I'll let you live but if you tell anyone about this conversation then you might not be so lucky next time bye bye
(Izzy leaves the room)
Izzy : did you get that ?
Ashton : yeah I got it let's go
Izzy : ok
(Ashton goes to Scarlett)
Ashton : Scarlett we need to show you something
Scarlett : oh what now ok I don't care if your covering for Maisie
Ashton : just listen
(Ashton plays the recording to Scarlett)
Scarlett : omg it was him
Ashton : yeah it's him and miles , Miles spiked Olive and he spiked Daisy as well that's why Daisy died
Scarlett : omg you need to tell Emily about this ?
Ashton : no stop alright we've got a plan but we need your help we're gonna take them down
Scarlett : ok what do you need me to do
Ashton : he's trying to get you back..
Scarlett : oh is he
Ashton : yeah
Scarlett : oh don't worry I have a plan..
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