I - I

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When I was 5 my parents were murdered right in front of me. I remember the distinct green flashes. Both of them.

What got them killed? Bing neutral. For people who only see in black and white, there is no grey but there is, they just ignore it. That was my parents' crime, to stay in the grey area and not choose a side. And because they weren't on the winning side it was automatically assumed that they were with the villain and thus they were killed, without any questioning investigation or trial.

I don't remember much of my childhood but I am cursed to remember that night. There was a thunderstorm outside that caused me to wake up so I decided to go to my parent's room to sleep with them. But then I heard shouting so I hid in a cupboard at the bottom of the stairs. I remember my father begging him not to kill my mum as she was seven months pregnant with my sibling, but his begging fell on deaf ears. I remember my mother's cries and her painful scream and she saw my father die. I remember just staying there petrified not moving even after he had left. I just stayed there in a fetal position crying silently afraid someone would hear me even if there was no one there. I stayed there till my godfather arrived even then I couldn't speak to let him know where I was, it took him 15 mins to find me. As soon as I saw him I jumped into his arms and cried myself to sleep.

Ever since that day, he has been raising me. We moved into the Salvatore palace, I couldn't stay in that house knowing it was where my parents were killed. For others, my godfather is a cold and brutal potions master but he is just like a teddy bear don't let him hear that or he will kill me.

It was 3 days before my twelth birthday and me and Severus were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, well I was eating he was just reading the daily profit, but I kept bugging him.
"Come on Severus! Please tell me what my present is!. Is it the horse I have always wanted?!"
"Keep calm. You will know when the time will be right." He didn't even look up from his paper!
Just then Mimi my house elve came in with a letter.
"A letter for mistress"
Taking the letter I examined the wax seal and it wasn't any of my friends'. Cautiously I opened the envelope.

"We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." I looked up at Severus shocked while he was still reading the paper but he had a small smile on his face.

"Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July."
As soon as I completed reading my letter the fireplace lit up signalling that someone had just flood in. It could only be a friend of mine as not everyone can just floo into the Salvatore palace.
Just on cue Sissy and Draco come into the dining room.
"Sorry for showing up so abruptly but Draco insisted that we come right away"
"Nonsense Narcissa, you are always welcome here at any time" my godfather replied. I was way too happy for formalities so I just ran into Draco and he caught me spinning me around.
"I take it u got your acceptance letter," Draco said. I held my letter up to his face and he did the same with his.

After the joy subsided a bit I went and greater Narcissa.
"Ohh look at you, you grow more beautiful with each passing day" Sissy said as I hugged her. I just smiled at her. After my mother died she and Mrs. Zabini filled in for my mother's role. They taught me how to walk, talk and act like a pure-blood woman. Mrs. Zabini, Sissy and my mum all had been best of friends and now I, Draco and Blaise are best friends.

"Could me and Dray be excused? We will be in the garden" I looked at my godfather and Sissy
"Of course, you may, just don't cause any trouble
" Us and trouble? Never"
With that, the two of us went into the garden behind the house that bordered the forest. The palace is in the middle of the forest so there is a little garden on the circumference of the house before the forest continues. Since I own the forest too it has remained untouched by the muggles, and a lot of magical creatures reside there.
Draco sat under a large oak tree with his legs spread as I lay on his leg. This is the thing about us purebloods, we are the perfect heir in public, well-mannered and everything but behind closed doors with our friends, we are carefree.
For the rest of the day, me and Draco just talked bout everything and nothing. We could just keep talking forever and never get tired.

This is my first ever book so please be kind.
If there are any mistakes please let me know.
My spelling and grammar might not be the best let me know and I'll make the changes.
Now some things about the book. This book will share a lot of resemblance to other books such as Slytherin Royal and Fangs and Venom as I have taken a lot of my inspiration from there. But this will be different in its way.
I will be killing some characters that don't die and keeping some alive that die.

The Shadow Queen | Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now