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I feel someone nibbling on my neck

"Draco.." I groaned

"Rise and shine my love" Draco mummers going back to nibbling on my neck.

"ahh..dray...we..we have a meeting..everyone..everyone is coming here.."  Draco finally gets off me. 

"fine, let's go get dressed then love" We both finally get changed.

"ugh, I can't cover up this stupid bite from last night" Draco just laughs.

"then don't cover it up, love. It lets everyone know you are mine" he says from behind pulling my back into his chest and again nibbling on my neck.

"Draco! your parents are going to be there!"

"so?" I elbow him in the ribs.

"oww" I get out of his hold turn around and kiss him.

"don't come crying to me when you get scolded by Cissy," I say getting out of the washroom. Draco laughs and follows me out of the room. 

on our way down to the dining room we see Daphne coming up

"ohh there you two are, everyone's already here, and don't worry regulus is in his room and hasn't come out yet. I was coming to call you two love birds for breakfast, Narcissa wouldn't let anyone eat without everyone being there and blaise is starting to get cranky"

"then what are we waiting for, let's get going"

Draco starts heading down before us while Daphne and I link our hands and start walking down just after him.

"Love, you do know you have hickeys on your neck?" Daphne whispers in my ear

"I know, I tried to cover them up but the makeup did nothing and then Draco got all primal and decided he didn't care if Cissy scolds him" I whisper back causing Daphne to giggle.

"primal?" she asked between giggles. 

"yeah, prime like some animal, lately he has been like an animal in a rut lately"

"since that.. 'picnic'?" 

".. yeah.." Daphne giggles.

"Ladies, you two have been standing there giggling and whispering for the past five minutes now, blaise is...using some very colourful words for the two of you," Draco tells us, his hands were in his pant pocket and his face was red, he definitely knew what we were talking about. 

"y-yeh..we are coming" I look away a little embarrassed and Daphne just giggles. I swat her arm and start walking toward the dining room.

"sorry for the delay," I say as I sit down in my usual spot.

"no, no, we should have never sent Daphne, when you two are together you lose all construct of time!" blaise yells.

"she said she was sorry Blaise, now eat," Draco says as he sits down in his own chair. I don't say anything but from the corner of my eyes, I see Lucius and Severus smile. 

after breakfast, everyone goes to the meeting room but I stay back for coffee and to get regulus from his room. after I make myself some coffee I go to the regulars room.

"reg?" I knock. 

"yeah, come on in" I enter his room to see him just finishing his breakfast.

"everyone's in the meeting room," I tell him

"They know I'm here?"

"nope," Regulus takes a deep breath.

"and Lupin's here?" I nod. Regulus sighs. 


"I..uhh..bulled him" my eyes widen

"You what? isn't he..older than you?"

"so? I was a Slytherin he was a Gryffindork, and my brother who I hate very much friend" I try not to laugh.

"if it helps, Lucius will also be there and so will Severus. I know they too bullied Remus" Regulus sighs.

"helps. let's go" I help him to the meeting room. As soon as Regulus walks in everyone gasps.

"Okay now everyone, don't overreact. I just awoke the dead, it's just another day" Regulus snots as he sits.

"you were alive all this time?!" Cissy yells. well, the closest she has ever come to.

 "I'm sorry sister, it was the safest option, for you and me" Cissy sighed and sat back down rubbing her temple. 

"What happened to you?" Remus asks

"That's one of the reasons why we are here" I start. 

"It is a curse,  I got it trying to get my hands on this" Regulus says as he lowers his shirt and shows us Slytherin's Locket.

"is..that Slytherin's Locket?" ced asks

"Yeh, smart boy. it's one of the six Horcruxes" 

"six?!?" Theo gasps. everyone looks at him.

"actually seven" I corrected Regulus

"What?" his eyes widen

"Yeah, Tom doesn't know about the last one, Harry Potter" 

"potter? he is a horcruxes?" regulus asks.

"yeah, Tom didn't mean to make him one but it explains everything. potter is a parselmouth, none of the potters ever were, the sorting hat almost put him in Slytherin and he is definitely not a Slytherin, and not because he has any Slytherin qualities" 

"Dumbledore knows?" regulus asks

"Obviously, why do you think he keeps letting him in dangerous situations, so when he actually has to die he will do it without thinking twice" Regulus snorts.

"of course, that old hag is" regulus grumps

"wait, so let's get this clear, regulus black is alive, which by the way Sirius doesn't have any idea about, there are seven Horcruxs, and Harry is one of them and he has no idea about but we and Dumbledore know and in order to really kill him once and for all we need to..kill? these Horcruxs?"  Remus says. 

"well..yeh most of what you said is right but-"

"don't tell my idiot brother I am alive" Regulus cuts Theo off

"As I was saying. what you said is mostly right, but we can not kill these Horcruxes, because he will feel them die" Theo explained. 

"But...we can kill that one, and Potter already destroyed the diary in the chambers of secret," I say.

"wait but Theo said he would feel them die," Marcus says

"Yeah but he already knew that one was stolen by Reg, so if we somehow manage to kill this one, he won't suspect anything and we will learn a lot"  I explain. everyone nods understanding.

"I think Dragragon scale should be able to kill the locket" but we can't be sure, it won't be easy killing these Horcruxes" Everyone nods

"that takes the old off you Theo on finding more about these Horcruxes but now you have to cure Reggy here" 

"don't call me that" Regulus says causing Cissy to laugh lightly. this was the first time I ever saw Cissy actually laughing. 

"all right..that brings us to the second topic. uncle regulus" regulus grunts.

"Theo here will be  working with Regulus to help him break this curse" 

"yes, and we have already gotten started and there is...very little progress but we will get there" Theo reassures. 

The Shadow Queen | Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now