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I finally found a rare moment of respite amidst the chaos of my studies and decided to seek out Professor Lupin. His office was tucked away in a quiet corner of Hogwarts, a sanctuary from the bustling halls.

"I was wondering when you would come," Lupin greeted me with a warm smile as I entered.

"Sorry, I've just been buried under a mountain of homework," I replied, not entirely untrue.As we settled into conversation, Lupin reminisced about his connection to my parents.

 "Your mother and I were friends, and your father and I, well, let's just say we were acquaintances," he said with a playful grin, causing me to chuckle.

He then shared a surprising revelation about my mother's involvement in his life. "Your mother found out about... my condition and approached me. We talked and instantly became friends. She persuaded your father to make me a cure, as I am sure you are wear he was an excellent potioneer, dare I say better than Severuse" Lupin explained, Lupin glanced around as if checking for eavesdroppers before continuing, eliciting a laugh from me.

"But I thought there was no cure for a werewolf?" I exclaimed, genuinely surprised.

"How long have you known?" Lupin asked, his expression curious.

"I had my suspicions, but your boggart confirmed it," I admitted.

"You really are like your mother, the smartest witch of her time," Lupin remarked fondly, a hint of sadness in his smile.

We delved into a conversation about the potions that eased Lupin's condition, and I couldn't help but marvel at the depth of my mother's compassion.

As the discussion turned, Lupin posed a question that caught me off guard. "Your boggart, I understand Severus, but Draco with a Dark Mark? What was that about, and don't say you don't know."

I hesitated, knowing the delicate balance of secrets within the Order of the Phoenix. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you anything," I responded reluctantly.

"Why?" Lupin pressed, his curiosity piqued.

"I know where your loyalty lies," I admitted, acknowledging my awareness of his involvement with the Order. "I can't tell you."

Remus 's gasp was audible. "How?"

"I can't tell you," I replied, the weight of my secrets heavy on my shoulders.

Our conversation took an unexpected turn when Remus proposed an Unbreakable Vow. 

"Your parents knew they were going to be killed. I promised them to take care of you," Remus explained solemnly.

After some consideration, we intertwined our hands and made the vow.

"I, Remus Lupin, vow to not share any of the information Amara Salvatore tells me," Remus declared solemnly.

"In exchange, I, Amara Salvatore, vow to tell Remus Lupin everything," 

I vowed in return.

With the unbreakable vow made, I divulged everything to Remus,

"You really want to join me?" I asked, taken aback by his commitment.

"Of course," he replied earnestly. 

"If what you say is true, this war will require a new approach."

We discussed the prophecy and Potter's role in the impending conflict, delving into the complexities of the situation.


"Why did the Dementor attack me?" I questioned, still shaken by the encounter.

"It was drawn to your trauma," Lupin explained softly, his expression sympathetic. "Witnessing the death of your parents is a deeply harrowing experience. Not many have endured such a tragedy."

"Blaise mentioned that you managed to repel it," I recalled, seeking clarification. "How did you do it?"

"A spell does exist," Lupin confirmed, his tone grave. "It's a flawed one, but it's there."

"Can you teach it to me?" I asked eagerly, a glimmer of hope igniting within me.

"Of course," Lupin replied, his eyes reflecting both concern and determination.

He proceeded to explain the intricacies of the spell, emphasizing the importance of focus and control. With patience and guidance, he walked me through the incantation and wand movements, demonstrating the technique with precision.

"Now for the most important part," Lupin said, his voice steady yet encouraging, "think of a happy memory—a strong, happy memory."

As he spoke, memories flooded my mind like a torrential downpour. I remembered the summer night when Draco and I started a food fight, the laughter echoing in the air as Lucius joined in. Then, there were all those moments with my friends—the kiss with Draco by the lake, the times he sat with me while I read, the day he pulled me close during sword fighting lessons. I held onto these memories tightly, letting their warmth envelop me.

"Do you have the memories?" Lupin inquired, his eyes searching mine for confirmation.I nodded, my determination solidifying. "Yes, I do."

"Good," Lupin continued, his tone firm yet reassuring. "In this chest isn't a real Dementor, but a Boggart. Remember, the real threat will be much stronger than this."

I nodded again, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Wands at the ready," Lupin instructed, opening the trunk.

With a flourish, the Boggart emerged, taking the form of a Dementor. My heart raced as I lifted my wand, the memories of happiness pulsing through me like a lifeline.

"Expecto Patronum!" I cried out, pouring all my strength and determination into the incantation.

To my surprise, a majestic dragon materialized before us, its form imposing yet captivating. Surrounding it was a Fire-Dwelling Salamander, dancing gracefully in the air.

I turned to Lupin, my confusion evident as I lowered my wand, causing the Patronuses to fade away.

"What do those animals mean?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Lupin's expression softened as he began to explain. "Having two Patronuses is incredibly rare—the only other wizard known to possess this ability was Salazar Slytherin himself. As for the meaning of your Patronuses," he continued, "the dragon represents fearlessness, assertiveness, and a willingness to face any challenge head-on. And the Fire-Dwelling Salamander signifies someone who has endured great pressure and adversity, yet continues to overcome obstacles with resilience."

I absorbed his words, feeling a sense of awe and empowerment wash over me. These Patronuses were a reflection of my inner strength—a reminder that I was capable of facing whatever darkness lay ahead.

With newfound determination coursing through my veins, I looked to Lupin, ready to continue my training and confront the challenges that awaited me. Together, we would stand against the darkness, armed not just with magic, but with courage and resilience forged from the depths of our souls.

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