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I stayed silent, no matter what they asked or how they asked, or who asked I didn't budge. until Severus and I were left alone.

"now tell me Mara" and that's exactly what I did i told him everything that happened in the chambers.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

"Don't worry Severus, it's just an act, I'll blindly follow Tom and make him believe I'm playing his game when in reality he will be playing mine, I will infiltrate his ranks from the within, I will grow on him like a fungus and before he knows what is happening I will kill him"

"you seem to have everything figured out, how long have you been planning this?"

"from the end of last year, I had overheard Dumbledore and Potter talk in the infirmary and I knew that he would come back I just hadn't known it would be this soon." Severus just nods his head

"do you know what hercoxes are?" suddenly Severus looks at me

"I take it you know what they are, Tom has made hercoxes, I don't know how many yet but I know that book was one of them. there are more I just need to find them" Severus just stares at me for a minute.

"you look just like your mother but sound so much like your father. I Severus Snape pledge my allegiance to you, Amara Rose Salvatore." she couldn't hold them back anymore, she had promised herself at five after watching her parents be killed that she would never cry, but here she was eyes well filled with tears, before she knew it she was hugging Severus and crying.


Severus had just left leaving the door to the infirmary open for her friends to come in. Blaise caressed her cheek while Daphne just held her hands, Theo checked her for injuries and Cedric scolded her like an older brother all the while Draco stood by the foot of her bed looking at the scene unfold. This here was the reason she was doing everything, to keep her friends safe.

 she told them everything how she had overheard Dumbledore and Harry talking last year, how she had schemed all summer long, how she had come up with detailed plans for different scenarios, how she had had Midnight trail pathetic potter ever since he disguised himself as Gloyle. she told them how toms touch have her chills made her blood run cold but she did it all for them.

Blaise cursed, Daphne cried Theo yelled in frustration, while Cedric and Draco just stood still.

"how.. wh- why would you do this?!" Cedric yelled

"I'm not sorry for what I did Ced, I did it to protect all of you and if I were given the choice I would do it all over again"

"you don't need to be protecting us" 

"don't you see Ced this is my destiny, my life was intertwined with Tom and Potter's long before I was born, I'm dragging you into this!" Ced came up to me and cupped my cheeks, "If their lives are intertwined with yours that means it's intertwined with mine" he stops looks at everyone else in the room "With all of our lives because your life is intertwined with ours! and we wouldn't have it any other way"

"yes!"  once again my eyes filled with tears. As soon as those tears left my eyes Blaise wiped them away. 

"We are here for you, remember, forever."


Everyone had just left except Draco, he was still standing there with his arms folded not saying a word.

"so are you going to talk or just continue with the silent treatment?" I was about to turn off the light when he spoke up. 

"you had promised"


"you promised you wouldn't go looking for danger!" he was now yelling

"Don't you get it? I had to do this Draco, to keep our friends safe, to keep you safe!"

"what about you? did you once stop to think if something happens to you what will happen to them? what will happen to me?!" I just stared at him shocked, he let out a humourless chuckle

"Don't you get it? I love you


it had been a day since Draco had confessed to me, he had just left after confessing and he hadn't come to see me yesterday. I had just gotten discharged and was shedding towards the hall as that was where everyone was. As soon as I entered the hall all of my friends stood up along with Ced who was sitting at the Slytherin table next to Blaise. I ran straight to Draco who was also standing and jumped into his arms. I gave him a peck on his lips before telling him my secret.

"I love you too you idiot"

The Shadow Queen | Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now