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the next morning I rush to Cedric. 

"Wow, calm down what got you in such a hurry" Cedric asks as I reach him panting due to all the running. I motioned for him to bend down so that I could whisper in his ear. 

"it's dragons, the first task" he stands back surprised.

"What!" I just nod my head just then Potter comes along.

"Cedric I have to tell you something," he said motioning Cedric away from me. 

"whatever you want to say you can say it in front of her," Cedric says. harru just sighs.

"the first task is dragons," he says. I just smirk

"Yeah, I already know" Potter was taken aback. but after a moment he left. 

"how am I supposed to fight a dragon, Mara? it will be a voice of cake for you but what do I do?" Cedric whined. 

"I have an idea" his eyes lit up causing me to laugh at his childish behaviour.

"do you know how to cart a patronus ?" he shakes his head.

"alright then I will teach you to cast that spell, and as soon as you enter the stadium muff out all the sounds, Dragons have sensitive ears, and your patronus should calm it down then you should be able to retrieve whatever that it is you have to. and by chance the object is shaped like an egg let the dragon smell it before you take it. Got it" 

He nodded, and we started walking towards the garden where Draco was. On our way, I explained to Cedric how to perform a Patronus. As we arrived in the garden, we saw Draco perched on top of a tree, surrounded by students wearing badges. The badges read 'Potter sucks,' then the writing changed to 'Our champion is Cedric,' and then to 'Our queen is Amara.' I couldn't help but laugh at the badges.

Draco jumped down, landing next to me and pulling me into a hug. "How are you, my queen?" he asked, making me blush.

"Get a room, you two," Cedric joked, pretending to gag. Draco and I chuckled at his antics, but then Draco noticed Potter.

"Why so tense, Potter?" Draco asked, but Potter ignored him and continued walking.

"My father and I have a bet, Potter. He thinks you won't last ten minutes in the Tournament, but I disagree. I say you won't last five minutes," at Draco's comment potter started walking towards us.

"I don't care what your father thinks, Malfoy. He is vile and cruel," Potter retorted, attempting to shove Draco. However, Shadow stepped in between them, growling at Potter.

"Even he can smell your stink," I quipped. Just then, Mad-Eye Moody appeared wand at the ready, and aimed a spell at Draco. But Draco raised his hand swiftly, causing the spell to reflect off his band and onto Mad-Eye.

In an instant, Mad-Eye had turned into a brown ferret. It was hilarious! Just then, McGonagall appeared, demanding an explanation from the four of us.

"Mad-Eye tried casting a spell on Draco, but he was quick enough to raise his hand, causing the spell to reflect back onto Mad-Eye," Cedric explained.

"Why would Mr Malfoy lifting his arm cause a spell to reflect?" McGonagall inquired.

"It's the band, made with aspída scales. I'm sure you're aware of their properties," I explained, and Draco raised his hand, displaying the black band.

"Professor, this is getting out of hand. You should turn him back," Potter suggested, pointing at the angry ferret.

McGonagall obliged, turning Mad-Eye back to his original form.

The Shadow Queen | Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now