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This summer has been very eventful.

Every July Sissy holds a gala that marks the start of the summer, and all the pureblood families are invited, as usual, it was grand and fabulous. I wore a blue dress and Draco matched me by wearing a blue tie and pocket square. w hadn't made anything official yet, but we were much more closes than usual which Sissy noticed. She didn't ask us anything till mid-vacation when she sat the two of us down and asked what was going on, that's when we told her that we liked each other but hadn't made anything official and wanted to wait some time before doing so. She was over the moon by this information. 

everything was wonderful, Draco would visit me almost every day when he wasn't over at the Salvatore Palace I was over at the Malfoy manner, we went swimming in the lake, we had picnics, we had our friends over, I went shopping with Sissy, I consp...

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everything was wonderful, Draco would visit me almost every day when he wasn't over at the Salvatore Palace I was over at the Malfoy manner, we went swimming in the lake, we had picnics, we had our friends over, I went shopping with Sissy, I conspired for when Tom would be back, everything was perfect, till nothing was. 

the day had been like any other, Draco had come over and we had decided to go swimming in the lake that ran a bit further into the forest, Severus was against it at first but gave into Draco and I's pleads, I swam in the lake while Draco just sat at the bank reading, I wanted him to join me but he just wouldn't listen, so I did what anyone would, I acted as if my leg had gotten stuck and causing me to drown, that made Draco abandon his book and jump right in, as he did I stood back up showing him that I was completely fine, soon realisation hit him. faking anger he swam towards me causing me to run, but that didn't work out well and I ended up in his arms under the water, which started a pretend war between us, water was splashed, mud was thrown, twigs were made swords and stones were made shealds. In the end, Draco snuck up on me and dragged me underwater with him, there we shared our first kiss.

after we came back into the house I started feeling unwell, my body temperature started to rise and my body hurt, it was as if my bones had grown and no longer fit in my skin and were just about to burst out. Severus had given me every healing potion there was but nothing worked, even numbness potions didn't work. Sissy had come over with the best mediwizard but even she couldn't tell what was wrong with me. Draco stayed by my side while Severus, Sissy and Lucius tried to find out what was wrong with me. 

Draco had fallen asleep on the hair at my bedside while the adults were in Severus's office when I had a sudden urge to read so I snuck out of my room and into the Salvatore library, its shelves laden with volumes bound in enchanted leather and inked with secrets as old as time itself, each book whispering tales of arcane wonders and forbidden knowledge. even if I were to spend every second of my life here reading I would never be able to read all these books, yet as I stood there looking at all those books I found none that piqued my interest. I ran my hand across the shelf of books till I reached the end of the library, as I was about to return to the start of the room I saw a reflection of light, there stood a book unlike the others in this part of the library it stood untouched by time, but I couldn't see anything that would reflect any light so I walk to the book, I ran my finger from the bottom of the spine of the book to the top, here something pricked me, I quickly took my hand back not wanting to dirty the book but I was too late, a drop of my blood had fallen onto the spine of the book, but I quickly wiped it with my sleeve. As I was looking at my finger where I had gotten pricked a cracking sound echoed through the library. 

the sound came from the wall at the end of the library, the wall didn't have any books just portrayed of my ancestors. but now there was a door cracked open slightly, I could have sworn that door wasn't there a minute ago. so I did what anyone else would do, I went through that door. 

behind the door was a small room with a stand in the middle the stand held a small glass orb, and at the far right corner was a shelf with three books, and in front of the shelf was an armchair. much like the book that had pricked me this room too stood untouched by time. 

before I knew it I was standing in front of the stand in the middle of the room.  I picked up the orb and it started talking which almost caused me to drop it but I held on. 

"Amid the chaos, a descendant shall awaken the dormant power of her ancestor, a revered figure of old. Through the journey of true love, she shall unlock ancient magic, destined to face her kin's malevolent counterpart, who stirs once more from the shadows.

bound by blood but divergent in spirit, she and him shall clash in a struggle for supremacy. The true heir shall emerge, not by birthright but by virtue of heart and soul. It is she who holds the key to vanquish the looming darkness, not the celebrated hero of legend.

In their likeness yet divergence lies the fulcrum of destiny. For she, having tasted the essence of love, wields a strength beyond his grasp. In choosing the path of shadows, she holds the power to unravel worlds, a force to bring about the inevitable end."

before I could process anything darkness started taking over, but before it could completely involve me I heard a distant yell of my name.


The Shadow Queen | Draco Malfoy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now