Joining the gang and throwing plates

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The trio smiled and was jumping in excitement of their journey. Well, Ellen and Chesca are more excited than (y/n) since they are fans of the movie and (y/n) haven't seen the movie or read the book. But that didn't stop her/him from getting excited.

"Thank you for letting us join. You wont regret it!" (y/n) said with a bright smile as her friends were freaking out in the inside not believing that they are going to be part of the story!! Who wouldn't?

The leader of the group grumbled. "I hope not," he said, looking at the trio with his steal eyes then glanced at the female elf before slowly sitting down on his seat.

Chesca noticed the male's glance and looked the ground trying her best to ignore his glance but that was proven difficult. 'God why does he have to look at me like that?!' she thought as she fiddled with her clothing.

Gandalf smiled at the group, happy that they were excepted to the group. Well...almost fully excepted. "My dears, why don't you join us and eat?" Gandalf asked with a friendly smile.

The elder of the group nodded and gave the trio a smile "Yes, lasses and lad(if your a boy) join us?" he asked in such a friendly manner which made the trio feel really welcomed.

Chesca shook her head politely. She was very shy and polite when it came to someone offering her something even from a stranger. "I'm alright...I mean...If that's alright with the rest of you" she said, looking around for a 'It's ok' or somewhere along the lines. Her eyes landed on Bilbo and waited for his answer.

Bilbo looked at her in surprise. Most of his visitors after all just barged in and took all of his food and now someone asking for permission if it's alright for her and her group to eat some of his food. "At least someone has manners" he mumbled to himself before nodding "Well as long as the others are alright with it since they took my food" he said, his words becoming a mumble at the end of his sentence.

A loud growl interrupted the short silence. Everyone's heads snapped to where they thought they heard the noise to find a small female/male hobbit standing by the archway, with her/his two female friends, with a blushing face.

"Oops!" she/he said in embarrassment while rubbing the back of his/her head.

Chesca and Ellen giggled and laughed at their friend's stomach along with a few chuckles from the company.

The dwarfs nodded in agreement. "By the sounds of that you must be really hungry, lad/lass" said one of the dwarfs with a smile.

(y/n) nodded her/his head vigorously "Oh very!" she/he said rubbing his/her belly causing the dwarfs the chuckle.

"Join us then" one of the dwarfs from the group said as he motions his hand for the trio to join in their little group.

The trio sat on the small table with the dwarfs. Luckily their was enough space for them to all sit or else they had to stand to which they don't mind. Chesca ended up in the middle as her friend's knew she felt of some discomfort to be sitting next to grown men even when some are still unsure of her. Another reason for her ending up there was due to the protectiveness of her friends towards her due to her emotional personality.

Ellen didn't really mind sitting on the side. She knew her friend's discomfort so she is happy to at least do some comfort for her friend. She smiled in a friendly way to the group in thanks then pick up some food, which she thought looked delicious, and placed it on her plate. She felt a little nudge from her elf friend and turned to make a face at her as she was about to have her first bite.

"What is it Chesca?" she asked with a raised brow, wondering what's so important that her friend hand to disturb her from eating.

Chesca giggled and pointed to a direction and leans down to Ellen's height for her to whisper in her friend's ear. "You got some admirers ~" she sang then giggled.

(y/n) looked at her/his friends, checking if they were alright. He/she looked to where Chesca was pointing and chuckled at the princes' looks towards her/his friend.

The two dwarven princes realized that the trio caught their gazes and immediately turned, hopping that they wouldn't find it creepy especially Ellen.

The trio giggled at their reaction and returned to their food. They enjoyed their meal and the company.

Ellen and Chesca smiled realizing that one of their favorite scenes in the movie is really close to happing in real life. They both grinned as the dwarves started to put the plates and cutlery away and clean them.

"Pass the plate lass!" one of the dwarves called one of the females in the trio, motioning her to throw it to him.

The trio looked at each other then shrugged. Ellen and (y/n) passed their plates to Chesca for her to throw it since she was the tallest. She raised her hand, holding one of the plates, above her head threw it to the dwarf that called her. The dwarf caught it and threw it go another dwarf and then the other did the same until it reached the kitchen.

(y/n) watched in awe. Amazed at the show the dwarves were giving her/him. Throwing, plates and cups among each other leading to the kitchen with Bilbo running around worried that his items would be broken.

Chesca laughed as she felt a sudden burst of energy and excitement after throwing the plate to the dwarf to pass to the other. She threw the rest of the plates towards the same dwarf.

(y/n) smiled, laughed and clapped along with his/her friends as the dwarves sang as they cleaned the dishes and place them back in the cupboards. (y/n) found Bilbo's reaction really funny and couldn't help but laugh at his worried expression.

"Oh god! This is so much fun!" (y/n) said through his/her laughter.

Ellen grinned and laughed with her friend "I know right! I wonder if there would be more moments like this during our journey" she said to her friends as she watched the dwarves finish off.

The trio applauded the dwarves while the dwarves bowed to them. The trio laughed and cheered.

"That was amazing!!!" (y/n) said in glee then laughed at Bilbo's face as he stared at his plates and cutlery.

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