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~Time skip to night time~

"Its almost time to go. Make sure you got everything" Chesca said while checking if the top of her quiver in on to prevent her arrows from falling out before strapping on her quiver with her beautifully patterned/designed bow and two blades, sharp enough to cut anyone with a gentle touch and daggers/throwing knifes hidden underneath her clothing. Ellen put on her thick fur coat before strapping on her heavy hammer, holding patterns and symbols, on her back that could break a bone with just one swing. (y/n) buckled her belt holding her light sword, making it easy for her to sneak around without making a sound. Chesca turned around to see her friends waiting for her to finish since she was the one holding more weapons than them.

"Ready?" Chesca asked. The two nodded.

They took a look at the map seeing that the journey is a few miles away, so they decided to buy some horses but two ponies were the only things available.

"Well, it better then nothing" (y/n) said and bought the ponies. Chesca and (y/n) shared a pony since (y/n) doesn't have that much experience in ridding a pony or horse while Chesca had plenty since horseback riding was one of her most favorite things to do. Ellen had her own having some experience in ridding donkeys and horses. The trio rode to where Gandalf told them to go while having a chat of what the company might be like and telling each other of how nervous they felt though Chesca was the one who was the most nervous one out of the trio, worrying that the company will judge her because of her being an elf. She doesn't like being judged by people who don't know her. She was glad and lucky to meet Ellen and (y/n) if she has never met them she would have still struggled with talking to people and befriending anyone.

Ellen saw a light in the distance. She brought out the map with Chesca's little ball of light that she had found while packing for the trip. Her fingers trailed along with the brown map, making sure if they were heading the right way.

"Were here" she gasped still not able to believe that she and her friends are in the hobbit movie. THE HOBBIT MOVIE!!! Chesca and (y/n) saw the excitement in her eyes like a little child receiving a Christmas present. They both chuckled at her excitement and arrived at Bag End.

"I'll check the doors for the symbol you guys just relax on your magical ponies," Chesca said playfully as she jumped off her pony then walked up from door to door in search for a glowing symbol like Gandalf have shown her.

Moments later Chesca finally found the door and went to get her friends. (y/n) and Ellen got off their ponies and followed Chesca after putting their ponies away. They stood in front of a small circular wooden door where they could hear loud laughter and chatter. The trio shared a look.

"Who's going to knock?" (y/n) asked his/her two female friends. They all looked at each other waiting for someone to volunteer. Chesca rolled her eyes.

"Fine! I'm doing it!" she said and brought up her knuckles to knock on the door then waited.

"Not another one" a muffled voice came from the other side of the door "Coming!" The trio patiently waited for the person to answer the door looking at each other as if saying their good lucks to each other. The door opened revealing a little man with curly brown hair and big hairy feet. He first held an angry expression but once he saw the trio his expression changed, not expecting an elf, a hobbit and a female dwarf.

"Hello!" Ellen started "My name is Ellen Mcgovern but you may call me Ellen."

"Hi! My name is Francesca Young but you can call me Chesca for short" Chesca said with a shy smile

"Yo! My name is (y/f/n) (y/l/n) but may call me (y/n)" (y/n) said giving a little wave to the stranger.

"I hope we aren't invading your home Mr....?" Ellen asked the stranger.

"Baggins... Bilbo Baggins... and no you not" the stranger answered looking at three before looking back at the inside of his home then back at the three.

"We were invited by Gandalf the Gray. May we come in Mr. Baggins?" Chesca asked politely.

"Uh... Yeah of course. Come in!" Bilbo answered. The trio entered the small house entering a lovely corridor.

"You have a nice place here Mr. Baggins" (y/n) said in awe.

"Yes, very nice," Chesca said as she bent her body down to enter the small door to end up bumping her head on the second door with a quiet "Shit that hurts" followed by a giggle from Ellen.

"Thank you and you can just call me Bilbo," Bilbo said while giving (y/n) a friendly smile. (y/n) couldn't help but smile back at the curly brunette, ignoring her/his friend whining about her pain.

After the trio wiped their shoes on the mat Bilbo leads them to the dining room containing loads of laughter and chatter. When the four entered the dining room the chatting and laughter died down when they spotted the three strangers in the doorway.


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