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(Yay! Finally updating this story!! Thank you for those who have given me some ideas of what you wanted to see and I have already made some pairs and have some pairing ideas but I don't know who to pair you up with or Chesca with. Let me know who you would like them to be paired up with then we shall see if those characters will go together. Also please give me some feedback. I want to know if you are enjoying these chapters and my story. It's nice to receive some feedback cause it will let me know what I am doing wrong and receive some inspiration form, you guys. I hope you enjoy this chapter! (Sorry if it's short but it will be longer in the next few chapters))

The trio stood there not knowing what to do until one of the trios decided to break the uncomfortable silence. Chesca raised her hand to give a little wave in greeting.

"Um...H-hello strangers!" she nervously said to the dwarfs. They stared at her for a bit until Ellen decided to follow her friend's lead.

"Heya!" Ellen greeted them in a friendly manner with a smile which she received two of the youngest dwarfs to wave back at her. Ellen blushed a bit noticing that it was Filli and Killi that were waving back at her with flirtatious smiles. She used her every strength not squeal like a fangirl right there and now in public.

(y/n) waved at the dwarfs with a smile. "Yo!" she/he greeted receiving some strange looks.

"Who are you? What is a female dwarf, a hobbit and an elf doing here?" asked one of the dwarfs, empathizing elf with venom in his voice. This almost caused Chesca to flinch but it brought pain to her knowing someone hates her for what she is and not knowing about her and her past.

"Oi!!" Ellen yelled at the dwarf in anger. No one speaks to her friend like that. No one! "She isn't like any other elf you met!" she said to the dwarf while glaring into his eyes. Not afraid of them.

"Yeah!" (y/n) said. She/He does not know how elves are showed in this movie but she/he was pretty sure it was like any other movie. Majestic, graceful, pale, blonde etc. Chesca was different from all those elves if they were like what she/he thought and she/he wants everyone in the room to know that. "Take a look at her! Have you seen an elf that looks like her! Take a close look and tell me what you see different about her from other elves" she/he said to the dwarfs.

All the dwarfs did what (y/n) told them to do which caused Chesca to blush at the stares and attention she is receiving. "She doesn't have the usual light/milky skin the elves we usually see," one said and the rest nodded in agreement. "Her hair is curly too!!" one of the youngest dwarfs said out loud almost excitedly causing the trio to giggle. The giggles of the trio caused the young dwarf to blush in embarrassment "And it's short. Usually, elves would keep their hair long" another young dwarf said.

"See! She is different from any other elves. Her personality is too different to any other elves." (y/n) started

"She can be loud, funny, clumsy, easily distracted," Ellen said while using her fingers to count but was cut off by Chesca.

"Look who's saying the one who decides to run off after a rabbit instead of continuing our journey," Chesca said with a smirk earning an elbow to the ribs causing the trio, Gandalf and a few dwarfs to laugh.

"She is unique," Gandalf said to the dwarfs with a smile.

"Everyone is different and unique, Gandalf. It's just that some are afraid to show it." Chesca stated her opinion with a kind smile, thanking him.

After a while of awkwardness, the dwarves managed to get used to the trio and that one of them was an elf.

The trio smiled happily to be accepted and excited to help and get to know them.

"Oh!" Ellen said catching the dwarfs attention "We haven't introduced ourselves! I am Ellen this is Chesca and (y/n). We were sent by our...um...king to help Gandalf the Gray and his company any way we can" she said with an excited smile.

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