I'm Strong!!

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(I skipped a bit due to writers block so to overcome it I had to skip. Sorry!! I'll also be posting a picture on this chapter really soon so keep your eyes out for it)

(y/n) frowned, thinking about Bilbo's decision of missing out in the adventure that the group is about to have, as she/he rode on a brown pony with Chesca sitting behind her/him with her arms around him/her to navigate the pony. (y/n) knew Chesca and Ellen felt the same way but they didn't seem as depressed as she/he felt which caused him/her to wonder 'why?' 'Is something going to happen?'

Ellen was enjoying her ride on her own grey pony until her eyes landed on her hobbit friend. She sighed then shook her head at him/her. She really wanted to tell (y/n) what's going to happen but she couldn't due to the trickster. 'Damn him' she thought as she felt a great urge to tell him/her but then thought that it's better to see her/his reaction to Bilbo joining. But still...seeing her friend depressed is making her feel bad too.

Chesca saw the look Ellen was giving her causing her to sigh then smile. "Don't worry, (y/n). Bilbo just needs some time to think" Chesca said to her friend as she placed a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder and gave her/him a warm smile.

(y/n) turned to face his/her friend and smiled back once he/she spotted her smile. "You sure? I mean...he didn't seem like he wanted to co-" (y/n) said but was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Wait!!" someone called from behind the group causing heads to turn to see who it was to find "Bilbo!!" (y/n) called with a smile growing on his/her lips.

"Well look who finally came!" Chesca said with a bright smile. "It's lovely to see you again Bilbo!" Ellen greeted, happy to see that he have finally arrived to join the group in an adventure.

(time skip :P)

Thorin decided for the group to take a short break to eat and let the ponies rest. The trio got off their ponies and sighed in relief. Their butts ached like hell. They have been ridding for hours! The trio sat on a log as the dwarves set a bonfire to start cooking.

Chesca took out one of her dagger, which was hidden really carefully under her clothing ready for the unexpected, and started doing tricks. She tried not to look shock due to the fact that she didn't know that she could do that and that she managed to not accidently harm herself. 'May be it's the trickster's doing' she thought to herself as she stood to ease the numb feeling on her butt.

Ellen took her hammer off her back then sighed in satisfaction that some weight was lifted off her making it easier for her to move. She thought for a moment about her strength then smirked as she turned her head to her friends finding them standing up, talking to one another about something. She stood from her place and started running up too them with her arms spread out ready to capture them. Once she did she lifted them up on to her shoulders causing her friends to squeal at the unexpected action causing Ellen to laugh.

"Ellen!!" (y/n) squealed in alarm causing the dwarves to stand up with their weapons ready to attack but then sighed and shook their heads at the childish acts of the trio.

Ellen smiled brightly at realisation of her strength. She's strong as in strong strong and boy Ellen can't wait to test out her strength latter on. She spun around a few times with her friends still on her shoulder causing them to hold on to each other and her for dear life. She laughed enjoying hearing Chesca's nervous laughter and (y/n) squealing in fear of falling off.

"Ellen stop!!" (y/n) begged as she/he clinged on to Chesca's arm, not liking the feeling her/his stomach bubbling inside her/him but Ellen didn't stop. "Ellen stop this instant or else I'll throw up on you!!" (y/n) yelled in panic causing her/his friend to stop then laugh.

"Sorry, (y/n)." Ellen said sheepishly not meaning to make her friend feel sick. She let her friends take a moment to breath and calm down.

"Oh my! Ellen your soooo strong!" Chesca said playfully, after a while, using a posh voice causing her female friend to laugh. The rest of the company went back to what they were doing as they saw that the three were just messing around.

"Why Thank you!" Ellen thanked with a bright smile then made her way with her friends still on her shoulders to where they were sitting. She placed them down on the log then sat in between them.

(y/n) sighed in relief as she/he was placed back down on ground. He/she didn't really like surprises even if it leads to something fun. She/he smiled at her/his friends then turned to look at the group. She/he saw that Bilbo was sitting alone, leaning on a tree, then remembered something of her/his and her/his friends memories. "Bilbo!" she/he called, not wanting to see him alone like one of her friends used to be until she/he met her. "Sit with us!" She/he called with a smile as she patted the space next to her/him with a smile.

Bilbo looked at her/him for a minute then looked around before smiling at the young hobbit as he stood up from his seating place. He walked over to the trio then sat where (y/n) was patting. He couldn't help but feel a little shy towards the trio probably due to their gender or the fact that they came from a different kingdom that he had never heard of or something else...a feeling.

(Let me know what you think and please give me some ideas. Also guys help me chose who to pair people up with cause my head is about to explode!! Sorry if it is short. I have been really busy but now I have some spear time on my hands. Thanks for the positive feed back and thank you again for your patients :3)

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