I'm a what?!

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(y/n) woke up on the floor of the forest, looking up at the bright blue sky causing him/her to squint his/her eyes and raise his/her hand to block the light from his/her (e/c) eyes. When his/her eyes adjusted and his/her head stopped spinning, she/he heard someone groan. (y/n) looked to his/her right side finding Ellen, looking up at the bright sky with confusion in her blue eyes, then to left finding Chesca, laying on her side with her face on the green grass, covering her eyes with her arm while groaning.

"Where are we?" (y/n) asked. "Last thing I remember we were squashed up in a tree trying to get away from something"

"I have no freaking clue and someone please turn off the damn sun! It's burning my eyes!" Chesca replied trying her best to block the light from her eyes. 

"No idea" replied Ellen "*pffft* Chesca you sound like a vampire"

"Maybe I am one" Chesca hissed as she moved her head to glare at Ellen.

After a few minutes of laying on the ground and looking up at the trees (y/n) turned to Chesca who was still covering her eyes with one hand and the other holding her side.

"Are you ok Chesca? Are you hurt?!" (y/n) ask the curly brunette with worry in his/her voice. Ellen shot up to a sitting position to see if her friend was hurt.

"Yeah...*groan* I'm fine" Chesca replied. "Just a little headache," she said while removing her arm from her face, turning to face them to give them a reassuring smile.

"What about your side?" (y/n) asked

"Oh, that! It's just a cramp" her/his friend replied with an embarrassed tone as her cheeks reddened. Ellen and (y/n) started to relax.

(y/n) studied Chesca's hair realizing that it is shorter than before and that she had polity ears sticking out of her thick curly hair.......wait....pointy ears?.......POINTY EARS?!

He/She studied his/her friend closer seeing not only her hair and ears changed but also her clothing. Also that she had what looks like two swords on her back with a bow and several arrows.

"Um?....Francesca?" (y/n) asked her pointy-eared friend.

"Yes (y/n)?" Chesca replied

"Well...um...Why are you wearing different clothing? Weapons? A hair cut?.... And have pointy ears?" 

Chesca blinked several times then looked down at her clothing then brought her hands up to feel her ears. Her eyes widen with shock then looked at (y/n) and Ellen.

"Why do YOU have different clothing, weapons, and different hairstyle?.... And why the hell are you and Ellen shorter?!" Chesca asked while pointing her finger at Ellen. They all stood up and looked at each other up and down then looked at themselves.

"Well, Ellen...It seems that you got your wish" (y/n) said to her short friend. Ellen looked at him/her and smiled.

"Yeah! Your right!"

"So what does it feel like to be short right now?" Chesca asked while giggling.


"Well... I mean you and I were tall than all of the sudden short so I understand how you feel" (y/n) said.

"Plus you both look ten times cutter then before," Chesca said and she crouched down to Ellen's and (y/n)'s height, ruffling their hair.

"Hey!!" Ellen whined, pushing her bangs away from her face.

(y/n) giggled "No offense Ellen but Francesca is right. You are so cuteee!" he/she said as he/she patted his/her own (h/c) hair back down

"What are three of you doing down here in the forest?" a voice asked. The trio all looked up and found an elderly man wearing a gray cloak and a gray pointy hat. In one hand he held some sort of walking stick. Ellen gasp.

"Oh my god" Chesca whisper. (y/n) looks at the man then at Ellen and Chesca then back at the man with a confused face. 'What? Why are they acting like this? Haven't they seen an old man before?'

 Suddenly the world paused. "I see that you are finally awake then?" said a male voice in the trio's heads. Their eyes widen, "Who the hell are you and where are you?" Ellen asked. The voice chuckled, "Me? Why...I'm someone you once knew in your world..." The voice answered. 

"Wait! What do you mean our world? Aren't we in the same world?" (y/n) asked.

The voice chuckled again, "What I mean is that you are not in reality but in a different dimension" The voice answered.

"What do you mean by we once knew you? Have we met before?" Chesca asked. 

"Wow, so many questions...Yes! We have met before. Now! Let me tell you what I have come to tell you!" The voice said in a frustrated voice. The trio shut their mouths and let the voice continue.

 "Good! Now you three were taken here by a portal that you have happened to fall into. You can't go home unless you go through the story/movie without dying. You may only change the story IF I tell you that you can. You also need to collect some objects; these objects will act as a key to open up a portal leading you back home as if you have never left. (y/n) will know what these objects are when she/he sees it. Don't worry I'll guide you since it's my fault that you are here. Just say these words to call me if you have questions 'I call upon the trickster'. Also, don't worry about fighting I've sorted that out. Good luck! Oh! And Chesca's an elf, Ellen's a dwarf and (y/n) is a hobbit. Also! You are in The Hobbit movie. Good luck again!" the voice finished 

 The trio gave each other a look. 'We are a what and in a movie?!'

"Oh! And one last thing..." they paused "do not tell them you are from another world. Got that?"

The three nodded quickly. Then the world unfreezes. The old man in gray waited patiently for an answer.

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