Into the forest

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A school bus stopped by the road letting the passengers out. Most of them were teenagers and a few teachers on a school trip for an art project that was coming up. All the teenagers lined up while chatting with their friends and classmates.

"Alright! Now listen up!" yelled a teacher over the chatting and laughing students. Slowly, they began to become quite. "We are going into the forest in groups. You may pick whoever you want to be in the group as long as you behave and promise to stay in that group".

Every student quickly ran to their friends to make a group before anyone else takes them away.

"(y/n)! Over here!" called a female voice. (y/n) turned to see her/his friends Ellen, a tall girl with medium light brown hair up to her shoulders. She had beautiful shining blue eyes. Her pale skin glowed showing off her light brown freckles. Her friendly and cute appearance suited to her kind and sweet personality. 

The short girl stood next to Ellen, her name is Francesca but you and Ellen would occasionally come up with nicknames or just use her nickname Chesca. She is the shortest one in the group who is occasionally quiet when around more then two people but it's a different story when it comes to being around close friends. Her short brown messy curly hair was tied up in a somewhat ponytail. She wore big glasses over her brown eyes. Her caramel hand motioned their friend, (y/n), towards them.

"Come on! Join in our group if you wanna survive the wild" Ellen said jokingly with a grin as she tightens the knot of her hoody around her slim waist.

Chesca smiled at her friend and playfully hit Ellen on the shoulder. "That's if you want to," Chesca said with a kind smile.

"Sure why not" (y/n) replied with a smile.

"Is everyone ready? Are you with your groups?" called the teacher making sure everyone was with at least one other classmate.

Once everyone had settled down the teacher allowed everyone to go off in their groups with strict instructions to be back by 2 pm. (y/n)'s group decided to go into the forest with their art materials and cameras to take some pictures for their project. Wanting to go somewhere where it was quiet, the trio went farther into the forest. As the three journeyed farther into the forest, they started hearing rustles and noises not that far causing them to feel uneasy.

"God, I hope no one's doing it in the bushes" Chesca joked, to calm herself down before she has a panic attack, as she combed her hair with her fingers after releasing it from its hold.

Ellen smiled as sheshook her head at her friend's dirty mind.

"Why does it seem that most of the jokes you make are related to sex, perv?" (y/n) asked with a chuckle as she/he jumped off a log he/she was walking on.

"Oi! I'm a teen with hormones don't judge" Chesca replied, sticking her tongue out at her friend as they continued slowly walking, forgetting the noise from earlier.

As they continued wandering deeper in the forest, in the corner of (y/n)'s eye she/he saw a little blur run by. Judging by the small gasp Ellen seemed to have seen it as well as she decided to run after it, camera in her hand, determined to take a picture of that animal for her project... and maybe keep a few copies for herself.

Chesca head snapped up as Ellen ran and followed calling her friend"Ellen! Wait!" she groaned "Come on (y/n). Let's catch up with Ellen before she gets herself hurt or lost" she said with worry written on her face.

"Come on nothing really bad would happen to Ellen. Can't we just leave her with that little animal?" (y/n) asked with annoyance in her/his tone as this had happened several times before.

"Nope! Your coming with me."Chesca declared as she grabbed (y/n) by the arm and dragged her/him with her. (y/n) struggled a bit but then decided to just catch up with Ellen.

Chesca and (y/n) continued running through the forest trying to catch up with Ellen, until they heard a loud screech as if something was screaming like no tomorrow.

The trio immediately stopped dead in their tracks.

"What the hell was that!?" (y/n) squeaked. "I...I...I don't ...know" Ellen replied thinking what could have caused the sound. "It may be just an animal or someone trying to play a trick on us" Chesca suggested in an uncertain tone.

The sound was heard again but this time, it sounded closer. "Um...I think we should run away from whatever that was, just to be on the safe side" Chesca suggested.

"No arguing there!"  (y/n) said and Ellen agreed. The trio started to run the opposite direction of the sound, hoping to avoid whatever it was that have caused the sound.

Jumping and ducking over and under rocks and logs. Their lungs aching. Hearts raising, pounding in their ears as they heard what they feared. They heard fast pitter-patter and crunching of leaves being crushed behind them coming closer and closer.

Chesca spotted a hollow tree with a gap in it that would fit three people inside. She grabbed (y/n) and Ellen's arms and pulled them both into the gap with her.

"Ouchhh! Couldn't be a little gentler?" (y/n) whispered to Chesca.

"Sorry..." Chesca replied but seemed too focused on listening then apologizing to her friend.

After a few minutes of sitting in the hollow tree, they heard something snapped nearby,  making the three jump and their hearts to hammer.

"Oh God!" (y/n) whispered to himself/herself as he/she held Chesca's hand while Chesca held Ellen's. They squeezed each other's hands in fear of what might happen to them, hoping that it's some sort of prank and not some insane maniac planning to kill them.

There was another screech but louder and more painful making the trio let go of each other and cover their ears trying to block out the sound. It got louder and louder causing their ears and head to ache. "Fuck!" they cursed as tears streamed down their faces. The pitch of the screech just got higher. Then everything went black. 

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