CHAPTER 1( The other voice inside me)

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26 June,2017

"Samuel, what happen why have you called me here?"
"Sage , I told you just wait for some time you'll find it out soon."
"Here you go wear this sweat shirt."
"Woah!! What is this why my name is engraved on it?"
"What don't you think it's kinda cute, I ordered it for both of us c'mon wear it fast."
"Don't tell me we are going to go on a picnic wearing these."
"No, we won't but we'll be clicking a picture for sure get ready."
"Uhh!! Samuel I am not looking good in this it's just too big."
"Don't be a asshole Sammy it's oversized ofc now come here let's click a picture."
"Okay, see here smileee."

18 April,2023

"Oh my god, Christabel it's already starting to be this hot in April." The girl with green eyes and long brown hair said while tying her hair, she was neatly dressed in her yellow top and blue jeans.
"Exactly,it's so hot already, and you still called me here ."
The other one complained looking like a perfect beauty in her short jet black hair with a mini white floral dress.
"I thought atleast it would be a relief in the evening."
"Leave all this crap , why did you call me here." Christabel said
"Me?" Eris was confused
"I was complaining because it's you who called me here."
"What shit are you blabering now Eris, you left the note in my school locker to meet at the park in the evening ."
"Are you a stupid you left the note in my locker."
"Wait,you didn't left a note for me then?"
" Do you want me to swear on Jesus now?"The dialogue perfectly suited Eris.
" Ohh!!! I know now who must have done this."
"Don't tell me."
"Ofcourse, who else then our very own Benson, he must have to choose this time of the year to play his stupid prank on us."
"I am gonna kill him tomorrow morning."
"That shit face, c'mon let's go home now. I am feeling like burning now."
"Yeah, let's go"
"Wait, Christy over there."
"What? Where?"
"Look over there, isn't she Candace ?"
" Yaah, she is so what?"
"Don't you know Candance lives in a whole girls hostel because her parents work in Virginia."
" I know that so why does it concerns us?"
"You're really stupid at things like these Christabel maybe you can be a topper but still use some of your brain other than studies."
"And it would have been good if you could use some of your brain in studies."
"Shut up! I am trying to say that it's already 7 in the evening and the hostel gates must have been already closed then why is she roaming here in the park?"
"Whatever she is doing but what does it have to do with us? Let's go home it's late my mom must be worried."
"Home?? You wanna go home nooo!!! Let's go behind her and see what's she up to."
"You really want me to eavesdrop her?"
"Yeah, you got me right."
"We are going home now."Christabel said this while holding Eris with her top and dragged her home even though Eris was resisting all she could.
That was the case with Christabel Patricans she was the typical topper who is born with some malfunctioning that they can't stay out of their home for long otherwise they can loose some marks or her parents made her that way.
But it was completely different with Eris Payne, her mother was much more chill then she actually was or you can say that she doesn't even care whether Eris comes home or not ofcourse which step mother would care about the child who doesn't even bother to call her mom.
"Hey,you stupid Benson, didn't you get any other time of the month to play your dirty prank on us."
"What the hell Eris, why are you so pissed off the in the morning itself?" Benson was the guy whom you could fall in love with a very first site. A guy with blonde ,short and beautiful hair, twinkling blue eyes and his freckles were something else. And his husky voice was a cherry on top.
But all these things doesn't ever bother Eris or Christabel because they have seen him for a very long time which was almost this long that now all they can see him was a shit face nothing more nothing less.
"She ain't fussing on nothing why the hell you pranked and called both of us in the park yesterday evening." said Christabel
"Like I don't have any other better work to do ."
"Didn't I told you Christy he's never gonna admit that."
"Leave, he's always an ass."
"Get lost both of you."
"Well, where's Sage today?"Christabel asked changing the topic.
"I don't know she always comes by this time every day maybe she ain't coming today."Eris said while sipping her water.
"Strange, she rarely takes a day off."Benson was concerned.

"Okay! Kids be seated please, let's start the class." Mr. Anthony said while entering in to the class.
" Hey, Eris I am gonna meet up Sage after school I have to pass her today's notes are you coming?"
"I am coming." Benson said while picking up his bag.
"Ofcourse,you will it's Sage's House." Eris hooted
"Shut up! Let's go"

"Well, what you think why she didn't come to school today?"
"Who knows, because she never takes the school off even if she is dead sick."
"Maybe, she is severely sick today, I hope she is fine."
"Ohhh!! I can see Benson is so concerned about Sage Simmons."
"Christabel, please ask this girl to shut up."
"Eris, please don't start now especially in front of Sage you know both of them broke up after that."
All three of them just stopped in an awkward silence and it was strange because Christabel never makes these kind of mistakes.

"Hey, what's up everyone? How you all are here?" A girl with her hair tied tightly with a scrunchie and her dress was that of a mourner sort of.
"Hi Sage you are fine?"
"Ofcourse I am fine why?"
"You didn't come to school today so we were kind of worried."
"Yeah, Benson was the one who was most worried."
Christabel gave a quick slap on Eris's stomach.
"Umm, actually you see I am wearing the mourner's dress my dad actually wanted me to mourn because some high ranked priest died yesterday."
"So you were mourning since yesterday."
"Yes I am"
" Hello children" A deep voice approached them which belonged to Harrison Simmons Sage's father who was actually a father at the St Louis church. Even though he was a priest still there was definitely something creepy about him usually people like him have a positive aura but he was completely opposite he has a sort of creepiness around him.
His dark eyes always gazed you like they can see through you.
And his bald head made him look more scary.
Still afer all this everyone greeted him,
"Hello father."
"Sage seems like you have a really good friend circle see how you're friends are here to see you."
"Yes father we bought her the notes and we thought we should see her if she is doing fine or not."
"Ofcourse,you should see your friend Sage take your friends to your room."he proceeded to walk towards the church.
Their home was just beside the church maybe because he don't want his daughter to be alone after what happened to the other one.

All of them spent time together and then they left.
"I don't know why but i m really scared of her father."
Eris hissed in Christy's ear.
"Shut up don't say like that."

Awwww!!! Look how much you're friends are worried about you they came to see you even if you were just absent for one day. I am just starting to becoming teary.
"So are you jealous that i have some good friends."
Are you sure they are your good friends?
"Shut up how many times i have told you to not interfere in my personal matters."
Don't be angry , didn't your father tell you, there are just some things in our life which we can't avoid but have to live with them.
"Exactly, am i not just carrying your burden from my childhood."
That hurts you know i am hurt i thought I was the only one would lives with you who is with you no matter in which situation you are i am with you from your childhood still i have no place in you heart.
"Just shut up and leave don't mess with my head."
Fine,I m going but don't call me again when someone else messes with you.

This voice never leaves Sage's side because maybe it's a monster which is just staying inside her from a very long time now.

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