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Uhhh!! What the hell is all this blood, can't you be a little careful. It's creeping me out.

"Shut up,don't you know that if we are dealing with a real human being how come we'll stay away from blood. And how come you are creeped out it's not like you're actually here."Sage said while dragging Marianna who was still growning in pain hardly being in her senses.

You know sometimes you hurt me a lot like a lot I am as older as you ,I have seen the same world like you, eat the same food as you, gone to the same school, studied with you, you're family is my family and don't you forget your life is my life. Anything which happens to you will affect me and anything which happens to me will definitely affect you so S please it will be much better if you'll focus on your pet in front of you rather than me.

By the time she finished speaking Sage had already tied Mariana on a chair.
"Are you done speaking so now please for the next hour keep your mouth shut.
And you my little pet, shall we start."
Sage sits behind her chair with knees bent and her head on her knees while cupping both of her cheeks with her hands covered in blood. She filled her eyes with sparkled joy like a child who is really happy going to an amusement park with her parents.
"Whhhyy arrre youu doiiinn"Marianna was too much in pain .When Sage started pulling her fingernails.
"Uhh Huhh, I am keeping them okay you have actually painted them good I like them. Well you were asking something yes from four years even I am trying to get the answer to this question, but I am unable to do so. But you need something to convince your heart that why are you doing all this. My reason is a really short and simple one, it's that short that it is just three words long." She leans forward in her face and whispers something in Mariana's ears.
That's when a heidious laugh echoes in the whole basement mixing with all the screams that soon faded away in thick air.

Looks like you were really frustrated this time.

"I was a lot has been going on lately, that Bastard Thomas died when I was deciding on killing him with my own hands and I had to mourn for him for god's sake. It just completely messed up my plan."

You have someone in your mind who would have done this, because besides you like who will do this?

"The only person who comes in my mind is my own father because he is the one who was most benefited from his death. Besides I am pretty sure that he is able to do that without any sense of guilt or remorse."

Like father like daughter. Wouldn't you leave your mark on this as well.

"Ofcourse I will. "Sage said while slitting her mouth from one end to the other. "These days some other prick is trying to copy my techniques, that Candace died for no good but now everyone will think that just because her fingernails were pulled out she was somehow connected to this girl, but in reality she was not even worth to die by my hands but now as everyone thinks so I can't help but to find out the truth."

Why the hell you want to find out the truth?

" Because who so ever this person is, trying to copy me or frame his crimes as mine when mine aren't done this poorly like he couldn't even dispose her properly. I don't want my name to be dragged in this filthy case and my reputation to be destroyed because of some baby killer who is trying to become me. Before those detectives I will make sure to find that fucker and punish him for using the methods I invented, he's just insulting my art forms."

That's surely a given but shouldn't we be heading home right now. Your father must be coming home in next two hours.

"I know let's go."

Aww!! Poor girl sorry but we are leaving may you get heaven but before that may someone sees you here before the animal's here make you their late night snack and you get a proper cremation too. Bless youu!!

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