CHAPTER 5(The girl who was bullied)

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"What, did you listen to that Sage? What the heck are you saying Eris? Candace, our Candace??" Christabel's hands were trembling.
"Yaah, I know it's pretty much shocking but that's the truth she is dead and she was found in the stream behind our school."
"My goodness may god bless her soul." Sage made a cross.
" Her parents were informed maybe there will be her ceremony in coming one or two days." Eris said.
"But, how do you know all of that?" Sage asked
"Umm Benson told me."
"And who told Benson?"
"Ofcourse his dad."
" But, why did Benson told you?"
"Uhh, is that important now?" Eris said
"Then what is important?" Christabel narrowed her eyes.
"That we shouldn't be involved in this case from any angle." Benson replied.
"Are you an idiot Benson? Why would anyone of us be involved in this we didn't even use to talk to her."

You're wrong Christabel it was you and my dear Sage who didn't use to talk to her but some of the jewels from this fantastic four group were very much involved in with her. Right Sage??

" Exactly why would you care? We aren't involved in any of this."
Eris said while glaring Benson. Seems like she doesn't want to disclose about yesterday's meeting.
"Children, thank you so much for coming to school even on the weekends but you see it's kinda important and by now most you must even know the reason behind it. And the others who don't know about it let me disclose it for you one of your classmate and a brilliant child Candace Bruschetta is dead and most probably according to the police she's been murdered and it's really important to find out who did it. For that a little of your help is needed if you know anything which can be useful in this case please inform us. So that we can provide justice to the deceased."
Mr Anthony said while asking the children to go in the interrogation room one by one.
Everyone went in and came out in just 4 or 5 minutes maybe because the interrogators already knew they can't get anything out from them and they were saving their time for the real one's.
"Yeah come inside all four of you." A very familiar voice travels in Sage's ears because it was none other than officer Santner, how can she forget such a sweet voice."
"Let's start by introducing us my name is Bradford Douglas and he is my sub ordinate Mr Austin Santner. We both are here to ask you about your classmate Candace Bruschetta, well will you all please introduce yourself one by one." Thank god Sandra wasn't here.
" My name is Christabel Patricans." She spoke first
"Well, Christabel I see when I was seeing your old classroom records I saw you were the one who always topped the class besides Candace like you were study rivals from the very beginning right?"
"Yes sir."
"So you must be friends with her?"
"No sir."her voice was trembling.
"You see Christabel I have talked to about 25 students before you and no one of them once even said that they were friends with Candace even though she was one of the best in studies why do you think this happened?"
" How would I know sir." Christabel's voice was shaking.
" I have heard that people who are good in studying doesn't have much friends but I can see you have some good friends."
" Being good in studies doesn't help you in making friends you should have a great personality too." Eris interrupted.
"You must be Eris Payne heard a lot about you I knew you would definitely speak in between when I will interrogate your best friend. So let me ask my next question to you only why didn't you come to school 4 days back when you left the house for school don't tell me you were at home because I know you weren't." Bradford leaned on his table and he was being extremely straightforward, seems like he was just wating for the moment to ask this question from Eris.

Your friend Eris doesn't know how to control her anger.

I know and that's her biggest weakness.

" I was just bunking the school." Eris looked straight in his eyes, she doesn't wanted to look like the one who was lying or being dominated.
" Seems like a thing of honour according to you." Santner was trying to be bitter here.
" No, but it's normal to bunk school nowadays right?"
" It definitely is but we'll appreciate if you will explain this."
Bradford shows us a video clip it looked like a camera recoding or something but we can surely see someone in that.
Eris was clearly seen near the stream and the recording was dated four days back when she didn't came to school.
" Please explain Ms Eris." Santner asked.
" Umm , I was just roaming around there it's just I didn't have any where else to go so i was roaming around in the whole town."
Seems like Eris wasn't expecting this.
" Well, you see for now we just have this one recording and we don't even know if Candace was killed in the stream itself or was being just dumped there. The autopsy report will clear many of our doubts but let's be honest you are our prime suspect for now Ms. Eris Payne." Bradford said while closing his laptop.

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