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"Good morning Father Simmons." A strange voice met his ears while he was stepping out of the taxi. His daughter helping him to carry the luggage. Both of them had the same confused look on their faces.
"Good morning, how may I help you?"
"Seems like you didn't recognise me. I am the officer who talked to you on phone the previous day about Father Thomas's case."
"Ohh yes, I remember you,your name was Brad..."
"Bradford Douglas."
"Yes yes, but I thought I just answered all of your questions the previous day."
"You did Father, but new questions can arrive right? Hello Sage."he said while forwarding a hand to her.
"Hello officer why don't you come inside first and then you both can talk." She said while shaking his hand and gesturing to move towards their home.
"You for sure got a decent daughter Father." Father Simmons just gave a bland nod.
"Sage, will you please prepare some tea for the officer and his mate, please have a seat." Austin and Bradford both fits them in the couch laying at the corner of their living room which was facing their massive garden with so many tress and immense as, greenery. No wonder why they seemed to be too relaxed, because they were living far away from the rush of the city, in their cosy house with Jesus protecting their house from all four directions.
"So Father how was your trip?" Bradford said while breaking the silence between them.
"Well it would be bad if I will say that I enjoyed it because I went there to solve someone's misery and you can't enjoy someone's misery right."

Well, we can father no S ?

"Definitely not Father, so I don't want to waste your and mine time so let's come to the main point."
"I would appreciate that."
"So, you already know that we are here regarding Father Thomas's case and we need a little of your help."
"I already know that and we can skip your basic questions for example did he have any enemies? Did someone had my kind of grudge against him? Any suspects? Then let me tell you No. There is no one and why would be there anyone like we all know how good person was he why will he have enemies?"
"Uhh!! Looks like you support him a lot Father and don't want that the truth to this death should be revealed , why though? is it because you were benefitted the most after his death?" Bradford said while raising his one eyebrow.

My goodness I told you S this one is really smart and he is perfectly doing things according to your wish.

"Excuse me?" Father said while raising his own eyebrow( being sarcastic was his habit despite being a Preacher)
"Nothing nothing actually we just wanted to ask you about his family like there was no one of his blood relations right?" Santner said while calming the situation.
"No not far as much I know. He never had time for any of these things he was just so busy providing to the world that he forgot he too needed someone to rely on." He pretended to get emotional while saying all this.


Sage brings in the tea and puts the tray between them.
"Thank you for the tea Sage, I know you must be in shock of what happened."
"What has happened?" He said while moving his head towards Sage. Who was confused as hell.
"Ohh I forgot you were not in the town so how would you have been known. Actually one of Sage's classmate died brutally a few days back a girl ."
"Ohh, may god bless her soul. Who was she?"
"Candace Bruschetta."
A weird awkwardness covered the surroundings of the whole house, the name echoed against the walls. And Father became extremely shocked, his pupils dilated but still he made sure that no one sees his nervousness and took a deep breath.
"Yaah, I know her very well poor girl, I hope she rests in peace."
That's when Bradford's phone ringed, it was one of the local petroler.

Looks like someone found her thank you for listening to me god. Poor girl.

Even though it was a hot Sunday afternoon which always stays calm and silent but since a lot has been going in the town these days it was not abnormal for so much rush around the old abandoned cemetery.
Looks like the demon of Ashvielle (the name media gave him after the Candace's incident) was again in action.

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