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"Jeremy, do you think we are on the right track and we ain't making any mistakes?" Sandra said while moving forward with a gun in her hand.
"I think so mam, because the man in front of us perfectly matches the description we created after seeing that footage."
"He do so but you see we shouldn't be here with these guns in our hands like it would be like we are jumping to the conclusions too fast."
" He is the killer for sure we both did the investigation and you see mam and you know if we will tell Mr. Bradford and our seniors they would never believe us and even if they do, then first all that paperwork nonsense and then getting a search warrant it would be an extremely long process which will take immense about of time and who knows in that mean time he will be here or not. You know how much hard-work me and you both have done together to get to him." He said while keeping his hand on her shoulder and sympathy filling his both eyes. Sandra was bound to trust him.
"Okay, so I will go from the right side you go from the left and we will capture him by together."
"Okay mam."
The house was standing between two large agricultural  fields which were completely empty, nothing was there other than utter darkness.
There was just one light glowing in one of the room of the that house which shined alone in that whole place.
It could be clearly seen that a man was sitting beside the window sharpning his knife and checking the blade himself ,from that view it could be a perfect place to bring in kids without anyone getting a hint of it and do all the horrible things with them. And after all that the house would still look like as bland as it was looking right now. The man perfectly matches the physical description they have been seen earlier and yet both of them were here to capture the culprit without any support from the police department or informing to their seniors. That's what was their biggest mistake.
Jeremy slams the door open while pointing the gun at the man sitting in front of them too stunned to speak anything. He just raises his hands up in the air with a knife in one and stares at them blankly.
"Who are you?" He asks finally hesitation filling his voice.
"We are here from the special crime branch unit to arrest you."
"But for what?" He says fear gleaming in his eyes.
"For what? Seriously, there's no use in putting on a show we know you are the one who's behind all the kidnappings and murders of the  children around the city." Sandra said while moving closer.
"Me? What proof do you have and how the heck you can just enter my house while putting nonsense allegations on me?" Now he was getting angry.
"Just shut up and come with us unless we are being nice." Jeremy said while taking out the handcuffs.
"No way, since you guys ain't finding the real culprit you want me to become the scapegoat. I am not doing that." While saying this he tries to run away from the window by breaking it open.
He started running as fast as he could have and both of them followed him. All three of them were running on the empty streets that's when Jeremy crossed Sandra and grabbed the man by his collar.
In the mean time the man attacked him with the knife in his hand and stabbed him in the stomach. Jeremy suddenly fell on the ground while growling with pain. And the man was again free to run.
"Mam, don't worry about me you just go and catch him." Sandra came running and tears filled her eyes
"I am not letting you stay here you're hurt let's first go to the hospital and.." Before she could have finished the sentence she saw the police car approaching them.
"What the hell happened here?" Bradford was losing his temper but still the first thing he did was getting the half awake Jeremy in the car." Get him to the nearest hospital as fast as possible." He said to the driver. When the car left,
"What the heck happened here?" He said while moving towards the teary faced Sandra and rage could be seen in his eyes perfectly.
"What the hell happened?" He shouted again.
Sandra was still crying with shock," sir..  Jeremy..we came here to get that man... I told him to,," she hiccups with fear.
"I told him to get some help from you but he said we can catch him...." And she started crying again.
"You both can catch him, alone? Are you an idiot, he is a newbie but are you doing this for first time. Are you dumb, how can you come to the home of the prime suspect of the case just like this? Now he has gone, what will we do now? Who's gonna answer our seniors? Are you gonna say this to them that we both were high on our hormones so we just went there to get the confession out of him all alone."
"What?" She said while being fully confused.
" What what?"
" You knew about this man?"
"I knew, the whole department knows about him, he is the prime suspect of the case. Don't you know?"
"But sir.."
"Shut up, let's get out of here for now."
The moment he said this two more police cars came by. The police commissioner was sitting in one of them a fat man with big moustache and no beard wearing his police uniform and a cigar in his one hand stepped out of the car. The first look he gave to both of them was enough to undertake that now he was going to lecture for about an whole one hour lecture to both Sandra and Bradford  about how careless they are and the consequences they would face if the man flees away. And they both would just be standing still while listening to him.
But Sandra wasn't sad anymore she had a different expression whole time , something very different from the earlier one.
"Bradford, I am warning you get that man in front of me in three days otherwise both of you will be permanently suspended.
And why three days you", he said while pointing at Sandra," you are fired right now. Return your gun to your senior who will now be suspended if he doesn't clears the mess his junior has made." He walked away grumpyly after saying this. It was strange as the police commissioner himself came at the crime site. Since the case was gaining popularity in media these days and now that the department had one clue that too wasn't here now because of Sandra and Jeremy.
"Now, what are you going to do?" He said while sighing, meanwhile,
Sandra was completely silent this whole time, even now she was thinking so deeply that she ignored what he said. Her tears had dried on her cheeks and her lips were just glued together.
"Sandra, Sandra." He said while waving his hand in front of her eyes.
"Uhh, yeah you were saying something sir?"she blinked her eyes several times to come out of her imagination or whatever she was thinking.
"I was asking what are you gonna do now?"
"I have a little confusion about something first, I'll clear it and then I'll get back to you tomorrow." She completed the sentence while moving towards her car.
Bradford just stood there clueless and then he thought about going to one of the officers who was hurt for now. Jeremy.
Strange how Sandra completely forgot about him.

After some twelve hours, Jeremy woke up and the moment he opened his eyes, he asked about Sandra.
"Sir, is she fine? Where is she? It's my fault I forced her to come with me. She was already refusing to come. You should ask sir if he wants to punish someone then it should be me..." He said all that in just one breath.
"Don't worry about the punishment , because the department has already decided it for both of you, you and Sandra both are temporarily fired and because you both are my juniors so I too will be fired if I didn't clear the mess you guys made." He said while moving his hands in different directions.
Jeremy went into a deep silence, looks like he was regretting every decision he made until now. And finally he spoke.
"But where is she right now?"
"I don't know, I saw her last time yesterday at the crime spot after that she just went somewhere all by herself."
" All by herself? What if she went to catch that man?" Jeremy shouted.
And Brad didn't like that, so he raised his eyebrows and said
" so what? It would be perfect if she could clear the mess she made no? And we know that if she catches the man that's the most beneficial thing for you as well."
"I know that sir, but it's dangerous for her to go all alone."
" Uhh, see who's saying that now, are you the same man who took her on a rampage just a day before ALL ALONE." He spat out the last two words with extreme sarcasm.
He fell silent because he knew he can't win against Bradford Douglas. Well no one can.
" When I can be discharged?"
" The doctor says he missed your vital organ otherwise you would have been dead on the spot, so maybe two or three days."
" Thanks for the concern sir. I think you can go now." He said while moving his face to the other side and closing his eyes forcefully.
" I was going to anyways." He said while picking up his cellphone which had been ringing from past five minutes.
"What is it now? If I am not picking up then I must be engaged somewhere." His voice echoed in that hospital corridor.

" And if I am calling you again and again then it must be urgent,sir."
Sandra said from the other side.
" What the hell happened now, and where were you for these many hours no one knows about you, you didn't even tell me where were you going. Do you know how much our commissioner is pressuring me to ask you and Jeremy to come in front of media and accept your fault so that all the higher ups will be at ease because they announced in everywhere that the killer was going to be caught, especially when our sir boasted about it a lot."
" I don't care about that you can handle the situation better."
"Yeah sure, you spill the tea and I will clean it."
"That's what seniors do no? Now will you listen to me for god's sake." Sandra sighed.
"What it is?"
" I found the man and my theory I told you earlier was absolutely right." Sandra said with a long pause and it was followed by  Dead silence on both sides.
" Where are you?"
"Where else?"

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