CHAPTER 2( Jealousy is the biggest monster)

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"Ladies and gentlemen as you know we lost such a great personality yesterday Father Jeff Thomas. He was one of the greatest priest one could have ever encountered,such a peaceful mind and a great human being. I don't know why God called him so early, he could have taken me instead of him.
There were so many incomplete tasks he needed to complete but as you know he must have felt it earlier that God is going to call up him that's why a day before he left us he called me and firmly asked me to take over his position of the head priest and considered it as his last wish." Father Simmons started sobbing afer delivering his last words for his teacher.

O my god!! Your father is such a nice person look how sad he is after the death of his master. I think i'll just cry seeing such loyalty.

"Are you sure he's sad?"

How would i know isn't he your father?

"Don't pretend like you don't know I am definitely sure that he must be the happiest of all the people present here as now he's gonna be the head priest the position he was dying to get."

Aww!! Don't be mean to your father because at the end of the day he's your father.
So what if not the real one.

"Sage, oh my girl I heard you have been mourning for our Father Thomas for a whole day you are so kind."Aunt Adrienne spoke.

Oh my god our sage is so kind . She chuckled

"Yeah aunt Adda actually father said that we should pay our respects to Father Thomas he was a you know such a great one."

Sage, isn't she your aunt who raised you till you were six? She is so old now can't she even dye her hair,look at her Grey's yuck!!

"Shut up"
"No,aunt I wasn't talking to you."
"Well, I hope Father Simmons can take over the head priest position because as he said there are many incomplete tasks we have to do there's a really important exorcism coming up next week."
"An exorcism?" Sage's blue eyes just widened.
"Yes! A girl living in the countryside is possessed by a demon,maybe Father have to go there to handle the situation."

Wow! That old hag died for good no! Now your father will be gone for sometime and you can stay in peace.

You're making sense for the first time.

"Ohh I hope God blesses the girl with mercy."
"Amen, I hope God will listen to your prayer he always does especially of children like you okay I'll see you later."

I didn't knew if god ever listened to you. She again gave her sarcastic smirk.

"Christy,good morning". Eris said
"What happen why are you so worried?"
"You remember what day is today?"
"Umm, Friday?"
"No, you stupid it's the result day."
"Oh yes!! I totally forgot"Eris laughed ofcourse she doesn't care about the result nor anyone else in her family.
"Morning everyone." Sage said
" Guys, I am really excited to know who's gonna top this year is it gonna be Christabel Patricans or Candace Bruschetta?"
"And I'm excited to see if Eris Payne's gonna fail in every subject or not?" Benson said in his mocking tone.
"Do you think you and me are in a same boat bensyy?" Eris mocked back

"Okay kids settle down please I have got your results for the last periodic test and seems like Candace has topped this time."

Everyone clapped and smiled except one. And Sage noticed her.

"You loser you're not worth anything."
"I am sorry mom I'll try harder next time i won't be second next time I'll definitely be first." Christabel cried
"No , you won't you're just a loser and you are not getting anything in your life i know that just get lost and don't show your filthy face to me ."
"Mom please don't do this i don't want to be locked up there again."
"No you need to be taught a lesson otherwise you'll never know your place."

Christabel kept crying but maybe only walls were there to listen to her and she couldn't do anything about it.
Someone said it right every children deserves a parent but not all parents deserves children.

"What the heck Christy your mom shouted at you again." Eris was amazed and angry at the same time.
"You know how she is just don't bother much."
"All of this is because of that Candace, I never thought she could have surpassed you even though all she does is to render here and there."
"Well you know she studies at night."Sage said
"How would Eris know that nights are also for studying." Again it was Benson.
Everyone laughed but Christabel definitely had something on her mind and again it was only Sage who noticed.

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